
1.用APA格式怎么写有关图片引用的reference啊FIGURES AND TABLES AND PICTURES (图片表格的写法)
【的reference怎么写】You should refer to a figure or table in the text - "。as shown in Figure 1,。。" Otherwise, why put it in?在文中你也要介绍下图片
How do I know what I am looking at? What are you trying to tell me with the figure?
Label a figure with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and the title appear on the same line
below the figure, flush-left.
Cite the source below the label and the title-
Figure 1. Internet users in Europe
Note: Eurostat Statistical books. (2007) The European Union and Russia: Statistical comparison. 2007 edition. Retrieved from parison. 2007 edition. Retrieved from http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.euIf the photo you are using is a photo that you took, you can say 用你自己照的图片Figure 1. Map of HangzhouSource: author's own photograph 这些是我的导师告诉我的,上次我也写错过,APA就是这个reference最难写 。
3.英语论文的图片注释怎么写Cloete是作者的姓,(1993此书出版的年份:153页码) emphasizes that has to performedwith due reference to the relevant acts of Parliamentand/or the provincialordinances,subject to the existing legislative provisions. 这是论文中的格式,后面要写一个详细的注释,作者全名,书出版的时间,书名,出版社 。

