
1、养成用音标拼读单词的习惯 。
【喃的英语怎么写】2、养成认真听示范发音(教师、磁带、光盘等) , 听清后再模仿 。
3、每天安排一定的时间进行听力训练 。
4、养成充分利用现代资源 , 课后多听课文录音 , 看英语影视节目 , 收听英语广播 , 上网学习英语等渠道 , 感受较规范的英语语音、语调 , 培养语感 。
1、消除心理障碍 , 克服怕开口说英语的紧张心理 , 养成大胆开口说英语的习惯 , 做到敢讲英语 , 争讲英语 , 爱讲英语 。
2、养成师生间 , 同学间用英语问候 , 把所学英语用到日常生活中去的习惯 。
1、养成每天朗读或听读英语20分钟左右 , 坚持早晚大声朗读背诵英语句子、对话、课文的好习惯 。
2、养成以“意群”为单位阅读英语的良好习惯 , 选择合适的材料限时阅读 , 提高阅读速度;阅读有关英语报刊、杂志等.每周阅读2—3篇的英语阅读文章 。
2、写作:写作训练要循序渐进 。低年级加强单句写作训练 , 如连词成句练习、造句练习 , 汉译英练习 , 句子改错练习和简单的看图写句子练习等 。高年级加强篇章段落的写作训
练 , 如看多幅图写段意识连贯的话 , 根据英语或汉语提示写篇小短文等 。
3、养成每天写英语日记的习惯 。
六、培养学生动手记笔记的良好习惯 在学习英语时 , 无论自学、预习 , 还是在课堂上 , 都要动用身体上所有感官参与学习 , 用眼看、耳听、口说、心记 , 更要动手记 , 一定要做
到多管齐下 , 才能使英语学习效率更高 , 学习成效更为显著 。
七、养成爱动脑、爱提问 , 敢于质疑问题的习惯
八、养成对所学知识点进行整理、归类的习惯 在英语知识学习一段时间之后 , 要及时对所学知识的重点、难点、易混点进行梳理归类 , 有助于在头脑中形成英语知识脉络 , 更好
地掌握它们 , 并形成自已的知识与技能 , 达到优化记忆的效果 。
九、养成及时复习的习惯 人类的遗忘有递减 , 递远规律 , 及时复习 , 及时发现问题 , 及时解决会更有效地记住、掌握住所学的知识与技能 。
2.求英语高手帮忙写篇作文喃With the rapid development of communication technology, the telecommunications in China nowadys are myriad and more easier. By using cutting-edge devices like mobile phone, you can chat with others in remote area, and you can surf the Internet quickly if you want. You can also use your laptop to access to cyberspace wirelessly. This kind of service is not only provided in urban areas, but also offered in rural areas. It is really a milestone for telecommunications in China to witnessed these kind of service platform and technologies. How ever, there is a survey in this early year shows that the averge rate fees people have to pay and their average incomes scale is lower than other western developed countries. Hence, these kind of services are not affordable for poors. The short-term goal for departments concerned should pay more attention to how to reduce the fees of services of telecommunication. By this way, the future development in this field will be supported by more people. It is significant! 。