
1.电镀工艺流程的英语翻译Feed, preparation, the aircraft confirmed that the hanging material, linked to a type of pre-processing, chemical degreasing, agents from the cold, alkaline degreasing, content, the proportion of each sub-6H1, the proportion of dollars, linked to pre-plating of the report dealing with detection, as required Standard adjustment, washing, water temperature, acid rust, the content of the mixture, rust acid, the anode electrolysis oil, oil off, current trough of low zinc cyanide, zinc oxide, a good perspective, titration analysis, composition analysis, Sodium cyanide, sodium hydroxide, Technology Inspection records table, brightener, consumption and post-processing 。
翻译成英文是:Colored zinc (Galvanized)
英['ɡ?lv?na?zd] 美['ɡ?lv?na?zd]
adj. 镀锌的,电镀的
v. 电镀;刺激(galvanize的过去式和过去分词形式)
[例句]All the materials he uses are brass, mahogany and galvanized iron.
所有材料的用途,他是黄铜,桃花心木和镀锌铁 。
3.涂镀的英语怎么说涂镀 彩涂 镀锌 英语怎么说镀锌
galvanize;[化工] galvanization;sherardize;[化工] zinc coat;zinc plating;[化工] zincing更多释义>>
镀锌 galvanizing;Zinc Plating;GALVANIZED
镀锌钢丝 galvanized steel wire;zinc-coated wire;galvanized wire
镀锌层 zinc coating;Zine;galvanizing coat

