可以说Chinese knot is a kind of conventional handicraft and symbolizes auspiciousness,longevity as well as solidarity意思是中国结是一种传统手工艺品 , 它象征着吉祥长寿和团结;中国结Chinese Knot 陶瓷英语就多了具体看这个吧html?si=2 木雕Woodcarving 泥塑Clay Culpture 捏糖人Who pinch of sugar这个没有专门名词剪纸PaperCut剪纸有 。
but it can be reduced to the simple 2D lines It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect中国结,每一个结从头到尾都是用一根丝线编结而成,每一个基;Chinese knot is a microcosm of Chinese ancient civilization,is a special Chinese folk manual craft Chinese knot has a long history , especially in the Ming and qing dynasties In modern times,it has often 。
翻译如下中国结 Chinese knot 例句中国传统的装饰结,又称“中国结”它是中国特有的民间艺术Traditional Chinese decorative knot,also known as Chinese knot,is typical folk arts of China;Spring Festival As we know,the celebration of Spring Festival may commonly last for 7 days , which is higlighted as one of the symbols of traditional chinese cultureIt#39s usually a time between late January or 。
中国结用英语怎么说,出现在古代1、Friendless”没有朋友的发音雷同,易造成误解另外“Friendlies=Friend朋友+lies说谎”,会有歧义asp?boardid=114id= 中国结 chinese knot 剪纸 papercut 。
2、Chinese knot中国结 我们今天来交给我们中国结的编制方法Today,we have the chance to learn how to make a Chinese knot 。
3、This is a piece of weaving string, which can be used to make beautiful wrist chains,necklaces and other ornaments do you like that? want to know how? Watch me Got it? Now one more time this time 。
你知道中国结吗用英语怎么说Today we drive long learning,knot,this is a knitting shelf,use it to the fixed rope First of all,put into such a shape,the same as me,to have a fixed point on the lower right corner of 。
中国结通常是红色的人们用丝结编结而成现在人们常用来做装饰用英语翻译AnswerChinese knots are usually made of red people with silk knots Nowadays,people often decorate them 。
北京申奥标志是一幅中国传统手工艺品图案 , 即“同心结”或“中国结”,它采用的是奥林匹克五环标志的典型颜色图案表现了一个人打太极拳的动感姿态 , 其简洁的动作线条蕴涵着优美和谐及力量,寓意世界各国人民之间的团结 。
Chinese knot,each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk,every node and in accordance with its basic form,naming ItalyTo a different node decorated with each other together , or other access 。
【中国结用英语怎么说 你知道中国结吗用英语怎么说】中国结,这个具有象征意义的美丽物品毫无疑问来自于中国Chinese knot , a very beautiful ariticle bearing the symbolic significance,is undoubtedly originated from China 。
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