
1.害怕的英语怎么说afraid 英 [?'fre?d] 美 [?'fre?d]
释义:adj. 抱歉的;担心的;害怕的
用作形容词 (adj.)
1、I'm afraid we can't come.
很抱歉,我们不能来 。
2、I'm afraid I didn't quie catch what you said.
对不起,我没听清你刚才所说的话 。
3、I didn't mention it because I was afraid of upsetting him/afraid (that) I might upset him.
我没有提起那件事,因为我怕他心烦意乱 。
4、Are you afraid of snakes?
5、Children feel afraid when they are at home alone.
孩子独自自己在家,感到害怕 。
词语用法 :adj. (形容词)
afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种恐惧心理,或者用于表示习惯的、经常的懦弱或怯弱,并带有因“畏惧”而行动不灵活或谈吐不顺畅之意 。afraid也可表示“担忧”或“忧虑”某事物可能产生的后果,即“恐怕” 。afraid还可以表示“担心”某人〔事物〕会遇到危险 。
fearful 英 ['f??fl] 美 ['f?rfl]
释义:adj. 担心的;可怕的;<;口>;非常的
副词: fearfully 名词: fearfulness
用作形容词 (adj.)
1、They were fearful that the river would flood.
他们担心河流会发洪水 。
2、A fearful person is a weak person.
怕这怕那的人是软弱的人 。
3、I have ever witnessed a fearful accident.
我曾目睹一场可怕的事故 。
2.关于写害怕的英语作文When I was young, I was always afraid of the dark. I would never dare to enter a dark place without having someone next to me. During night time, I would always sleep with my parents so they could protect me. I think I became scared of darkness after I watched a scary movie.
Now I have grown up and am getting better. I began to realise that darkness isn't that scary at all. It is actually quite peaceful.

