
读音:英 [dri?m] 美 [dri?m]
n. 梦;梦想 v. 做梦;梦想
作“梦想”解时可用于“dream of+ v -ing”结构 。
双语例句:His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled.
他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了 。
1、a dream 轻而易举
2、dream about( v.+prep. ) 梦想,向往,渴望
3、dream away( v.+adv. ) 在梦幻或胡思乱想中虚度光阴
4、dream of( v.+prep. ) 考虑,会做得出(某事)
5、dream on( v.+adv. ) 痴心妄想
读音:英 [a?'di??l] 美 [a?'di??l]
释义:adj. 理想的;完美的;空想的;观念的
n. 理想;典范;目标
【因为梦想的英文怎么写】She 's looking for a job, but hasn't found her ideal yet.
她在找工作,但是还没有找到理想的 。
1、ideal weather 理想天气
2、feasible ideal 可能实现的理想
3、high〔noble〕 ideal 远大〔崇高〕的理想
4、ideal of peace 和平的理想
释义:梦,睡梦,梦想,理想,愿望,梦幻状态,恍惚,出神 。
1、have a dream
2、fulfill a dream
3、pursue a dream
4、realize a dream
5、dream interpretatio
6、dream holiday
7、dream home
1、have a dream
例句:I have a dream that is a daydream
翻译:我有一个梦想,那是一场白日梦 。
2、fulfill a dream
例句:Just as I thought that I would not be able to fulfill this wish in this year a surprising travel plan came and made my dream came true
翻译:正当我以为今年可能实践不到这个心愿时,一个突如其来的旅行安排却让我的梦想成真了 。
3.英语作文《如何实现梦想》How to make your dream come true?
Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.
every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream come true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams come true.
first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream come true.
second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong.
finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties.
Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now .
4.一篇关于“梦想”的英语作文My dream我的梦想
My dream is becoming a teacher.我的梦想是成为一名老师
Our teacher are kind to us.我们的老师对我们很亲切
I think it's good job.我想这是份好工作
Also,it's funny and interesting.而且,它是好玩的和有趣的
I must study hard now.我现在必须努力学习
I often read a lot of books.我经常读许多书
I want to become an Englisn teacher.我想成为一名英语老师
Because I like English best.因为我非常喜欢英语
What's your dream?你的梦想是什么
5.关于梦想的英文作文Sun always rises in the place where there has a dream; moon always becomes more beatiful where there has a dream. Dream is a forever smile, something we should go in for in our lives, something that will make your soul pure.
The night of someone who doesn't have a dream is deeply dark. When someone has a dream, with steady hard-working and strong will, he will make perfect performance.
Is it not? Bamboo shoots stick to the road that he chose to become higher, he went through the difficult position in the dream at the past so that he is higher than the grass which wallows in the relax life with the wind. The small stream stike to the road that he chose to look for the sea, he said good bye to the huge rock which gave him no way to run, said goodbye to the mountains which leave him wind canyon, so that he reach the sea at last.