给外宾的邀请信怎么写( 二 )

5.给中国领事馆的邀请函怎么写你只要把客户的护照签证copy还有把审批表,在华安排,往来商务合同,担保书,自己公司的营业执照,递交给你所在地的外经贸局 。我再附上一份帮客户写好递交给大使馆的邀请函模板 。不知道对你有用否 。
Date: xxth xxx. 2014
The Visa officer
China Embassy
Ref: Invitation Letter:
Invitation Letter
Here in we, xxxxxxxxxx(公司名称).With Legal Address:xxxxxxxxxx(公司地址). kindly invite Mr. xxxx(两个人一起就 "and xxxx") have 1 week business visiting to 你们公司所在地 (xxx Province) about inspect the goods before shipment and cooperation in future between xxx(客户公司名称)and xxx(自己公司名称)
We guarantee that Mr. xxxx(两个人一起就 "and xxxx") back to xxxx(客户国家) on time after all business finished in china.
Here is the details of them:
Name : 1. xxxxxxx(客户名字) (如果是两个一起就写在旁边) 2. xxxx
Passport NO.: xxxxxxx (护照编号) xxxxxxx
Date of Expiry:(护照到期时间 )the xxth xxx.20xx. the xth xxx .20xx
It is always appreciated to send a single entrance business Visa to them for the business trip in china.
With Best regards
-- - - - - - - - - - - -
Chairman & Managing Director,(职位啊啥的)
写好之后打印盖公章 。然后寄给他 。噢了 。
希望有帮助 。
6.来华访问签证邀请函怎么写没明白你的意思 。是商务类的么?
你只要把客户的护照签证copy还有把审批表,在华安排,往来商务合同,担保书,自己公司的营业执照,递交给你所在地的外经贸局 。我再附上一份帮客户写好递交给大使馆的邀请函模板 。不知道对你有用否 。
Date: xxth xxx. 2011
The Visa officer
China Embassy
Ref: Invitation Letter:
【给外宾的邀请信怎么写】Invitation Letter
Here in we, xxxxxxxxxx(公司名称).With Legal Address:xxxxxxxxxx(公司地址). kindly invite Mr. xxxx(两个人一起就 "and xxxx") have 1 week business visiting to 你们公司所在地 (xxx Province) about inspect the goods before shipment and cooperation in future between xxx(客户公司名称)and xxx(自己公司名称)
We guarantee that Mr. xxxx(两个人一起就 "and xxxx") back to xxxx(客户国家) on time after all business finished in china.
Here is the details of them:
Name : 1. xxxxxxx(客户名字) (如果是两个一起就写在旁边) 2. xxxx
Passport NO.: xxxxxxx (护照编号) xxxxxxx
Date of Expiry:(护照到期时间 )the xxth xxx.20xx. the xth xxx .20xx
It is always appreciated to send a single entrance business Visa to them for the business trip in china.
With Best regards
-- - - - - - - - - - - -
Chairman & Managing Director,(职位啊啥的)
写好之后打印盖公章 。然后寄给他 。噢了 。
希望有帮助 。

