
1.求一篇武汉长江大桥的英文介绍First Bridge over the Yangtze River
Yangtze River Bridge in WuhanFor hundreds of years, it had been a dream to cross the natural moat of the Yangtze River.
In 1913, Zhan Tianyou, one of China's well----known railway engineers, visited Wuhan and studied the possibility of the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge. The bridge was decided to be built between the Tortoise Hill in Hanyang and the Snake Hill in Wuchang. Unfortunately, his dream could not come true. Again, six years later, Dr. Sun Yat-sen put forward a proposal to build a Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan. Then Nanjing Government invited American experts and made a draft plan. Mao Yisheng, a bridge expert, organized for two designs and the construction was about to begin. But because of war and lack of money, no one was able to have the bridge built.
After the founding of New China, the central government decided to build the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan in 1950. Five years later, news came that the construction would soon begin and it became the focus of world attention. However , more overseas people were half believing and half doubting. Within two years, the Chinese engineers, technicians and workers, with the help of the Soviet experts, completed a double----deck bridge for the dual use of automobiles and trains. The wish of "turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare" was fulfilled.
On October 15, 1957, thousands of people in Wuhan were overexcited. Cheering sound could be heard on and under the bridge. Trains, automobiles and pedestrians safely crossed the bridge.
More than 30 years have passed. The Wuhan Bridge Bureau of the Railway Ministry has built other ten bridges over the Yangtze River in Nanjing, Chongqing, Zhijiang and Jiujiang. Another highway bridge 2.5 kilometers down to "the First Bridge" will be finished and put into use at the beginning of 1995.
2.中英简介武汉长江大桥江苏省境内7座:苏通大桥(在建)、江阴长江大桥、扬中长江大桥(注:未跨长江南北)、润扬长江大桥、南京长江二桥、南京长江大桥(公路铁路两用)、南京长江三桥(在建); 安徽省境内3座:芜湖长江大桥(公路铁路两用)、铜陵长江大桥、安庆长江大桥; 江西与湖北省界之间1座:九江长江大桥(公路铁路两用); 湖北省境内17座(含隧道):黄石长江大桥、鄂黄长江大桥、武汉阳逻长江大桥(在建)、武汉天兴洲长江大桥(公路铁路两用)(在建)、武汉长江二桥、武汉长江隧道(在建)、武汉长江大桥(公路铁路两用)、武汉白沙洲长江大桥、武汉军山长江大桥、荆州长江大桥、枝城长江大桥(公路铁路两用)、宜昌长江大桥、宜昌长江铁路大桥(铁路桥)(在建)、葛洲坝三江大桥、夷陵长江大桥、西陵长江大桥、巴东长江大桥; 重庆市境内24座:巫山长江大桥、奉节长江大桥(在建)、云阳长江大桥、万州长江二桥、万宜铁路万州长江大桥(铁路桥)(在建)、万州长江大桥、忠县长江大桥、石忠高速公路忠县长江大桥(在建)、丰都长江大桥、涪陵李渡长江桥(在建)、涪陵长江大桥、涪陵石板沟长江大桥(在建)、渝怀铁路长寿长江大桥(铁路桥)、重庆大佛寺大桥、重庆朝天门长江大桥(在建)、重庆长江大桥、重庆菜园坝长江大桥(在建)、重庆鹅公岩大桥、重庆李家沱大桥、重庆鱼洞长江大桥(在建)、重庆马桑溪大桥、白沙沱大桥(铁路桥)、地维长江大桥、江津长江大桥; 四川省境内6座:泸州泰安长江大桥(在建)、泸州铁路长江大桥(铁路桥)、泸州长江二桥、泸州长江大桥、江安长江大桥(在建)、宜宾长江大桥(在建);Jiangsu Province7: Su Tong Bridge ( under construction), Jiangyin Yangtze River bridge, Yangzhong Yangtze River bridge ( Note : not across the north and south of the Yangtse River ), Yangtze River bridge, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge ( rail road ), the Nanjing Yangtze River Third Bridge (built in );Anhui province3: Yangtze River bridge ( Wuhu Rail Road ), Tongling Yangtze River bridge, Anqing Yangtze River bridge;Jiangxi and Hubei provincial boundaries between1: Yangtze River bridge ( Jiujiang rail road );Hubei province17(including tunnel ): Yangtze River bridge, Huangshi, Yangluo, Yangtze River bridge, Wuhan Hubei Huang Changjiang bridge ( under construction), Yangtze River bridge ( Wuhan Tianxingzhou highway railway dual-purpose ) ( under construction), Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel ( under construction), Yangtze River bridge ( Wuhan rail road ), Wuhan Baishazhou Yangtze River bridge, Wuhan army mountain in Yangtze River bridge, Jingzhou Yangtze River bridge, Zhicheng Yangtze River bridge ( Road Railway ), Yichang Yangtze River bridge, Yichang Yangtze River Railway Bridge ( bridge ) ( under construction), Gezhouba Dam Sanjiang bridge, Yiling Yangtze River bridge, Xiling Yangtze River Bridge, Badong Yangtze River bridge;The territory of Chongqing City, Wushan Yangtze River bridge, Fengjie24: Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Yunyang Yangtze River bridge, Wanzhou Yangtze River Bridge, Wanzhou Yangtze River bridge ( million Yi railway railway bridge ) ( under construction), Wanzhou Yangtze River bridge, Zhongxian Yangtze River bridge, Zhongxian Yangtze River bridge Shi Zhong highway ( under construction), Fengdu Yangtze River bridge, Fuling Lee crossing the Yangtze River Bridge (built in ) Yangtze River bridge, Fuling, Fuling ditch stone Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Yangtze River bridge ( Yuhuai Railway Long Railway Bridge ), Chongqing large Buddhist temple bridge, Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Chongqing Yangtze River bridge, Chongqing Caiyuanba Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Chongqing Egongyan bridge, Li Jiatuo bridge, Chongqing Chongqing Yudong Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Chongqing Ma Sangxi bridge, Pak Da Bridge ( railway bridge ), Yangtze River bridge, Yangtze River bridge to Victoria Jiangjin;Sichuan Province in6: Luzhou Tai'an Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Luzhou railroad ( Yangtze River bridge railroad bridge ), the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Luzhou, Luzhou Yangtze River bridge, the Yangtze River bridge ( under construction), Yibin Yangtze River bridge ( under construction);分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试支持中英、中日在线互译支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅 。