
1. “告诉”用英语怎么说 tell
(told [tEuld])
吩咐,命令(某人做某事)(to do sth.)
[常与can, could, be able to连用]辨别; 分辨(from)
数,计算; [俗]数说,责骂
He told the news to everybody in the classroom.
他把这个消息告诉了教室里的每个人 。
I told him my name.
我把名字告诉了他 。
I can't tell you how happy I am.
我无法告诉你我是多么高兴!“When in doubt, tell the truth”,
said John.
约翰说:“没有把握的时候,要讲实话 。”
You must do what you're told.
你必须遵照命令去做 。
Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?
Ten workers were told for special duty.
十名工人被分派去从事特殊任务 。
That fellow needs to be told.
那家伙该骂一顿 。
There's no telling what may happen.
(谁也)不可能知道会发生什么事 。
2. (告诉)这个英文单词怎么写 告诉 [简明汉英词典] tell wise wise up 告诉 [汉英法学大词典] accuse; charge; complaint; file a legal complaint; indict; ; accusation; charge; complaint; information ; file an accusation to feudal officials in ancient China 告诉 [汉英航海大词典] inform about ;inform of ;let in on ;make someone acquaintedwith ;share with ;tell to ;told 告诉 [汉英经贸大词典] told 。
3. 告诉我数字的英文怎么写 告诉我数字 。
Tell me the numbers.
英['n?mb?(r)] 美['n?mb?]
n. 数量; 号码; 数字; 编号;
v. 标号; 总计; 把…算作;
[例句]No, I don't know the room number
不,我不知道房间号 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:numbers 复数:numbers 现在分词:numbering过去式:numbered 过去分词:numbered
4. 谢谢用英语怎么写 恩,可以分为以下几种
Thanks.( 最简单的)
Thank you.(最常用的)
Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)
Thank you very much.(比较动情的)
Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)
I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)
No words can express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)
5. 告诉我数字的英文怎么写 告诉我数字 。
英文翻译如下: Tell me the numbers. 重点词汇释义: number 英['n?mb?(r)] 美['n?mb?] n. 数量; 号码; 数字; 编号; v. 标号; 总计; 把…算作; [例句]No, I don't know the room number 不,我不知道房间号 。[其他] 第三人称单数:numbers 复数:numbers 现在分词:numbering过去式:numbered 过去分词:numbered。

