
1. 左转 右转的英文怎么写【左转英语怎么写】 左转:turn left;
右转:turn right.
1、走到这条路变成一条小狭径的地方,向左转 。
Turn left where the road tapers into a track.
2、左转右转,在比赛中跑圈(塔普尼尔所说的),这一切似乎都无比简单 。
Swerving left to right, reeling in the competition ( in this case, tappeiner), all seemed incredibly easy.
3、在第一条街的灯那里向右转 。
Take a right at the light on first street.
2. 向左转英文 一、bear left英 [b?? left] 美 [b?r l?ft] 向左转You need to bear left at the fork in the road. 你走到岔路口时要向左转 。
二、turn left英 [t?:n left] 美 [t?n l?ft] v.向左转Turn left where the road branches. 到了路的分岔处往左拐 。扩展资料反义词:turn right英 [t?:n rait] 美 [t?n ra?t] v.向右转Beside the entrance to the church, turn right 在教堂入口旁向右转 。
二、rightward英 [?ra?tw?d] 美 [?ra?tw?rd] adj.向右地,在右侧adv.在右边的,向右的Israel's rightward drift and its brutal onslaught on Gaza in2009; 以色列右转,并于2009年对加沙发动了野蛮的攻击 。
3. 英语“向左转”怎样读 英语“向左转”是turn left,音标是英 [t?:n left] 美 [t?n l?ft]。
turn left v.向左转; 扩展资料1.Turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane. 十字路口左转进克雷巷 。2.Turn left at the traffic lights. 在交通信号灯处向左拐 。
3. Just go down the road a little way, turn left, and cross the bridge. 沿这条路走一小段,向左转,然后过桥 。4. Turn left at the corner and keep on as far as the church. 到街角向左拐,一直向前走到教堂. 5. Turn left at the corner, then just follow your nose and you're sure to find it. 在拐角处左转,然后径直往前走,你肯定会找到它的 。