
1. “姐姐”的英语单词怎么写 Elder sister
1、I used always to lie with the elder sister .
从前我总是和那位大姐同睡 。
2、Revolt was raised by his elder brother .
他的哥哥起来造反 。
3、He was the elder of her two sons .
他是她两个儿子中的长子 。
4、They all called her elder sister .
他们都管她叫大姐姐 。
5、Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe .
部族的传统由长者承袭相传 。
2. 姐姐的英语单词怎么写 Elder sister
1、抄I used always to lie with the elder sister .
从前我总是和那位大姐同bai睡 。
2、Revolt was raised by his elder brother .
他的哥哥起来造反 。
3、He was the elder of her two sons .
他是她两个儿子du中的长子 。
4、They all called her elder sister .
他们都管她zhi叫大姐姐 。
5、Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe .
部族的传统dao由长者承袭相传 。

