
1. 合同里面的英文怎么写 ,急用 你的意思我分成三句话,第二句意思改为“如果原合同有关运费的约定和本补充协议有相悖之处,以本补充协议的约定为准 。”如果OK,请采纳,谢谢 。
Notwithstanding any other provisions regarding freight charges stipulated in the Contract (No. XXXXXX), both Parties agree that the freight charges for Item A and Item B shall comply with the BoQ attached to this Amendment Agreement.
Both Parties agree that in the event that any provisions stipulated in the Contract (No. XXXXXX) are in conflict with this Amendment Agreement, provisions stipulated in this Amendment Agreement shall prevail.
This Amendment Agreement is made in two (2) copies, one (1) for each Party respectively.
This Amendment Agreement shall come into effect upon both signatures of Parties' legal representatives.
2. 英文合同怎么写 英语中表示”合同“的单词有:
agreement; contract
1)Thank you. I'll make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow.
谢谢 。我将起草合同,明天就签 。
2)The statement charged that their actions violated the agreement.
声明指责他们的行为违背了协定 。
3. 合同 英文单词怎么拼写 contract
英[?k?ntr?kt] 美[?kɑ:ntr?kt]
n. 合同; 契约; 协议;
v. 签合同; 缩小; 感染;
[例句]The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building
这家公司赢得了一份极为重要的合同,参与建设欧洲最高的大厦 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:contracts 复数:contracts 现在分词:contracting过去式:contracted 过去分词:contracted
4. 合同号码用英文怎么写 合同号码用英文写作contract number 。
买方开证时,请注明本合同号码 。
When opening L/C please mention our S/C Number.
买方开证时,请注明本合同号码 。
When opening L/C please mention our S/C Number.
每户水费单合同号码只能参加一次抽奖 。
Each policy no. Can only join the lucky draw for one time.
1、contract作“订契约”解时,指双方为共同利益所吸引 。用作及物动词时可接名词或动词不定式作宾语; 用作不及物动词接for可表示“承包”“录入”; 接in可表示“承诺加入”; 接with可表示“与…订合约” 。
2、contract作“缩小”解时,指由于内部的力量,使物体的范围和结构收缩集中,多用作不及物动词,引申可表示缩写,这时常接介词to 。也可用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语 。
3、contract用作不及物动词时,可表示“订合同,订约”,后面常接介词with; 与介词for连用表示原因或目的 。
5. 合同中的“甲方,乙方”用英语怎么表示 甲方:Party A/first party
乙方:Party B/second party
1、So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?
2、Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs.
1、项目甲方 Project Party ; Project stakeholders
2、甲方资料 Informations of the buyer
3、甲方确定 Party to determine ; Party A determining ; Party a shall determine
4、甲方签字 Party Signature ; Party a signature
5、甲方产品 first-partyproducts
1、项目乙方 Party B projects ; Project
2、乙方义务 Obligations of Party ; responsibility of party
3、乙方免责 Party B exemption ; B Disclaimer
6. 哪位高手帮我填写一份英文合同啊【合同英语怎么写的】 在此A方同意租借____房间____层____楼____镇____区,深圳,及其中的家具电器(如附件),干净且可租借,给B方,租赁房子大小___________ 平方米. 5.1 上述财产在此租出___________ 年,自___________开始,到___________结束. 6.1 租金用是RMB/港元___________ 每月(No. HKD/¥___________). 租金可每月总付,在每月的___________ 之前. 6.2 签下该租赁协议,B方必须付给A方 __ 月的租金作为押金,共___________美元 (No. HKD/¥___________)A方必须开收据给B方.Ⅷ. 佣金A方同意支付___________港元/人民币作为佣金,B方同意支付____________ 港元/人民币作为通过代理签下该租赁协议的租赁服务的佣金.The rent is RMB150/SQM every month (including tax). Fitment period is one month, free of charge. The leasing period is two years 。