
1. 好人的英文怎么写 最简单的,又是综合性的好人,随和的好人:
easy-going girl = 随和的女孩
easy-going boy = 随和的男孩
easy-going people = 随和的人
scold、scolding:就是骂人,是老板骂下属,可以骂得淋漓尽致,但不说下流话 。
Shut up!Don't argue with me! Don't answer back!
You die here,you're burried here, I don't care!
I just care your productivity/performance/achievement!
Don't give me any excuse! Just show me your result!
No result, I sack you!
sack 是火爆脾气(hot temper)的老板最喜欢挂在嘴边的词 。
shout : 不一定是骂人,不一定是scold,可能只是大呼大叫 。
curse :才是咒骂 。
这些都是日常口语中,英美人士经常挂在嘴边的话 。
2. 好人的英文怎么写 nice person, good person, kind person 都可以
scold others 是批评别人,不是“骂人”
does not curse 是不说脏话,接近些,但也不是“骂人”
应该是curse at others 才对
kindly listens to others 是认真倾听别人,不是听话的意思
A kind/good/nice person who doesn't know how to curse at others
A kind/good/nice person who is helpful
A kind/good/nice person who listens
3. “好人”的英文怎么写 nice person, good person, kind person 都可以不过楼上的有些误解:scold others 是批评别人,不是“骂人”does not curse 是不说脏话,接近些,但也不是“骂人”应该是curse at others 才对kindly listens to others 是认真倾听别人,不是听话的意思我的建议:A kind/good/nice person who doesn't know how to curse at othersA kind/good/nice person who is helpfulA kind/good/nice person who listens 。
4. 我是个好人 下面的翻译绝对正确,而且我告诉你,没有成就的男人,也可以是一个好人 。否则,这个世界上好人只能从有钱人里面找了 。但是,我告诉你,往往有钱人基本上都不是好人 。
I'm a good guy ,i love my work,my life and my family.
【好人的英文怎么写】So I believe I am a good man.But i have no achievements in career.
Am I a good guy without achievement?
5. 好人英语谁知道“好人”的英语怎么说,要一个单词的 i have bath once a day. 我一天洗一次澡 i go to see my grandparents twice a week. 我一个星期两次去看望我的祖父母. john had already been to japan for three times. 约翰去过三次日本了 i always surf in the internet at weekend. 我周末经常上网 the programme has already been finished. 这个项目已经完成了 there is no fish in the river 河流里已经没有鱼了 i want to know the result of the event 我想知道这件事的结局 fight for our motherland. 为家园而战 you have a bed;as for him,he'll have to sleep on th护攻篙纪蕻慌戈苇恭俩e floor. 你有一张床,但对于他就只能睡地板了 about seven o'clock,tom got up. 大概7点,汤姆醒来了 。