
1. 动漫的英文是什么 动漫:animation
读音:英 [??n??me??n] 美 [??n??me??n]
1 、[U] energy and enthusiasm in the way you look, behave or speak 生气;活力;富有生命力
His face was drained of all colour and animation. 他面如死灰 。—see also suspended animation
2、[U] the process of making films/ movies, videos and computer games in which drawings or models of people and animals seem to move (指电影、录像、电脑游戏的)动画制作
computer/ cartoon animation 电脑动画╱动画片制作
3、[C] a film/ movie in which drawings of people and animals seem to move 动画片
The electronic dictionary included some animations. 电子词典中有一些动画片 。
复数: animations
1、The animation is awesome and gets better and better every year.
动画片尤其精采,而且一年比一年好看 。
2、This course teaches the fundamentals of creating imaginative andinteresting characters for all gaming and animation.
课程教授角色设计基础知识,即为游戏及动画片创作富有想象力的,有趣的角色 。
动画的英文有很多表述,如animation、cartoon、animated cartoon、cameracature 。其中较正式的 "Animation" 一词源自于拉丁文字根anima,意思为“灵魂”,动词animate是“赋予生命”的意思,引申为使某物活起来的意思 。所以动画可以定义为使用绘画的手法,创造生命运动的艺术 。
【漫用英语怎么写】动画的概念不同于一般意义上的动画片,动画是一种综合艺术,它是集合了绘画、漫画、电影、数字媒体、摄影、音乐、文学等众多艺术门类于一身的艺术表现形式 。最早发源于19世纪上半叶的英国,兴盛于美国,中国动画起源于20世纪20年代 。
2. 我将用自己的柔情点燃你所有热情,带着属于你和我的热情走完漫 用英 两种答案:
I will use my tender feelings lit all your enthusiasm, belong to you and my enthusiasm to go after the flood
I will light your way all the enthusiasm with your tenderness, bring your and my passion to walk the diffuse