
1. 信息的英文怎么写【信息单词怎么写】 信息 communication info information communication AHD:[k…-my?”n1-k3“sh…n] D.J.[k*7mju8ni6kei.*n] K.K.[k*7mjun!6ke.*n] n.Abbr. com., comm.(名词)缩写 com., comm.The act of communicating; transmission.传递:传送的行为;传递 The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.交流 , 沟通:交换思想、消息或信息 , 如经由说话、信号、书写或行为 Interpersonal rapport.人际关系 communications (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The art and technique of using words effectively and with grace in imparting one's ideas.communications (与单数或复数动词连用)说话的艺术:有效地使用词并优雅地传授某人思想的艺术和技巧 Something communicated; a message.传达的事;消息 communications A means of communicating, especially:communications 传达的手段 , 尤指:A system, such as mail, telephone, or television, for sending and receiving messages.邮件 , 电话 , 电视:发送和收取消息系统 , 例如邮件、电话或电视 , A network of routes for sending messages and transporting troops and supplies.通讯网路:用于发送信息和运送军队和物资的线路系统 communications The technology employed in transmitting messages.communications 通讯技术:用于传输消息的技术 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一名词:communication systems; communication technology; communications equipment; communications interface.通信系统;通信技术;通信设备;通信接口 information AHD:[1n”f…r-m3“sh…n] D.J.[7inf*6mei.*n] K.K.[7!nf+6me.*n] n.Abbr. inf.(名词)缩写 inf.Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.知识:从学习、经验或指导中得到的知识 Knowledge of a specific event or situation; intelligence.See Synonyms at knowledge 信息:有关某个事件或情况的知识;情报参见 knowledge A collection of facts or data:信息:事实或数据的汇总:statistical information.统计信息 The act of informing or the condition of being informed; communication of knowledge:通知:告诉的动作或被告诉的状况;知识的交流:Safety instructions are provided for the information of our passengers.安全方面的行为规则被告诉给了乘客 Computer Science A nonaccidental signal or character used as an input to a computer or communications system.【计算机科学】 信息:一个非偶然的信号或字母 , 它被输入一台电脑或信息系统 A numerical measure of the uncertainty of an experimental outcome.数据:对试验结果的不确定性的数据测量 Law A formal accusation of a crime made by a public officer rather than by grand jury indictment.【法律】 控告:一项正式的犯罪指控 , 由一位公共官员而非陪审团提出 。