
1. 致的英文是什么意思 致zhì动(给与;向对方表示礼节、情意等) deliver; send; extend:致书一封 send a letter致开幕词 make an opening speech致以衷心的问候 extend one's cordial greetings to(集中于某个方面) devote (one's efforts, etc.); concentrate; work for:专心致志 be wholeheartedly devoted to; be wholly absorbed in(招致) cause; incur; invite:导致 lead to; bring about; result in; cause致病 cause disease以致身亡 resulted in death(达到; 实现) achieve:学以致用 learn sth. in order to use it; gear one's study to practical use(书) (归还; 交还) lay down; return:致政 lay down office; resign from government连(以致)so 。
that:措辞晦涩 , 致使人误解本意 。The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations.名(情趣; 兴致) interest; manner or style that engages attention or arouses interest:别致 original in style; unique故事曲折有致 。
The plot is intricate and full of interest.形(精密; 精细) fine; delicate; meticulous:精致 exquisite; delicate; fine细致 careful; meticulous 。
2. 英语翻译君子学必好问.问与学,相辅而行者也,非学无以致疑,非问无 1.解释括号里的词语.①非学无以致疑(致).(提出)②而或不达于事(达).(应用到) ③非问无以广识(广).(增广)④舍问 , 其奚决焉(舍).(除了)2.下列括号里的词语的含义相同的两项是( A、D ).A、①君子之学必好闻.(好)②非真能好学者也.(好)B、①舍问 , 其奚决焉?(焉)②三人行 , 必有我师焉.(焉)C、①而或不达于事.(或)②心之所向 , 则或千或百 , 果然鹤也.(或)D、①好学而不勤问.(而)②人不知而不愠.(而)(个人认为A、D两项都是相同的.A都是“喜好、喜欢”的意思.D两项的意思都是“却”的意思)3.用现代汉语写出下列句子的意思.问与学 , 相辅而行者也.(“问”和“学”是相辅相成地进行的)4.用自己的话概括全文的中心论点.(不超过10个字)(求学的人一定要好问) 个人理解 。
3. 【B:根据英文提示,写一封信给你的一位美国朋友.要求不少于70词, Dear 你的朋友的名字 , I just received your gift.Thanks a lot for the gift.I really like the T-shirt.It has a bright color and I like the color very much.The size is right.It fits me perfectly.I had a birthday party yesterday.A lot of my friends came to celebrate.I wish you could have joined us.How about your friends?You mentioned that you would go hiking with them last time.Did you have fun?Yours , 你的名字我刚收到你的礼物.谢谢你送我礼物.我真的很喜欢那件T恤.它有鲜艳的颜色而且我很喜欢那个颜色.尺寸也正好.我穿着很合身.我昨天开了一个生日派对.我很多朋友来为我庆祝.我希望你也能加入我们.你的朋友怎么样?你上次说你们会去徒步旅行.你们玩得开心吗? 。
4. “祝福”用英语怎么说 祝福的英文表达有:benediction、benison、well-wishing、bless 、wish happiness to 1、benediction 读音:英 [?ben?'d?k?n] 美 [?ben?'d?k?n] n. 祝福;恩赐 例句:She conferred her benediction to me when I left. 当我离开的时候 , 她向我祝福 。
2、benison 读音:英 ['ben?z?n] 美 ['ben?z?n] n. 祝福;祝祷 例句:f you can find blessedness, my benison is that I can see you will be happy in faraway country. 假若你得到幸福 , 那么我的祝福就是在相隔千万里的遥远国度看你开怀 。3、well-wishing 读音:英 ['wel'w????] 美 ['wel'w????] n. 祝福;祝贺adj. 祝福的 例句: It is a Chinese idiom, used to express admiration or well-wishing. 这是中文的成语 , 用以表达赞美或祝福之意 。
4、bless 读音:英 [bles] 美 [bles] 释义:vt. 保佑;祝福;赐福;有幸具有 例句:To give me your heart, and bless me with your love! 给我你的心 , 用你的爱来祝福我吧! 5、wish happiness to 读音:英 [wi? ?h?p?n?s tu:] 美 [w?? ?h?p?n?s tu] 释义:祝福 例句:I wish happiness to all my friends. 我祝福所有的朋友们 。