
1. 英语写如何做蛋糕 First, mix the flour, sugar, butter and milk together to a thick flour paste.
Second, put the paste into the cake mould. Set the oven at 200 degree C, and bake it for 20 mins. and then let it cool for half an hour.
Third, put the cream and your favourite fruit over it, such as strawberries, mangoes and watermelons.
2. 怎么用英语描述做蛋糕 Rice cooker make chocolate cake:Material: self-raising flour (good brand, at the China Square Jusco supermarket and at home should have sold, 5. 5 yuan)5 eggs, butter, dove true black chocolate, fruit and a number of personal favoriteMethod: 1) The first protein and egg yolk separately.2) egg yolk + sugar, playing uniform.3) protein + sugar, playing to Yoshikiyo like. This is an important step, take some patience, do not be lazy, despite the hand will be very sour.4) butter add a little hot water, microwave 10 seconds bite, its melting5) Add butter, egg yolk, and stir well. If there is cream, the best plus point.6) will join hands with the egg yolks slowly lay the proteins, and stir well7) about half (200g or so) of the self-raising flour slowly with the mesh sieve into the egg in and stir well into batter. If there is no screen, then, like, like me, direct entry into the self-raising flour, but keep stirring to prevent the formation of a small powder group, if there is a small powder group, then had to clean hands, hey, slow lane San Bar8) dove into something small pieces, and add a little water and microwave bite, be melted into liquid chocolate. Like to eat chocolate that can be put in more points9) the liquid slowly to join hands with the chocolate batter in the above, stir well.10) rubbed with butter at the bottom of rice cooker will be paste to the inside surface, press the button on the list. After the first trip, not enough, press the button again, the second trip, you can open the lid, toothpicks if you can insert in the first on the representatives, and in general, the second trip, after half an hour wait on almost the same. If you feel good track of time, then you can open the lid half-way look at their own use of the time.11) the melted chocolate, do not add water, has brought about chocolate syrup, and then coated the cake surface, like it can be released into slices of kiwi, strawberries, grapes or other fruit, and then into the refrigerator until the chocolate surface solidification on it.希望对你有所帮助!下面附中文:电饭锅制作巧克力蛋糕: 材料:自发粉(理想牌,在中华广场的吉之岛和家宜超市有卖,5 。
5元) 鸡蛋5个,牛油,dove纯黑巧克力,个人喜爱的水果若干 方法:1)先将蛋白和蛋黄分开 。2)蛋黄+砂糖,打均匀 。
3)蛋白+砂糖,打至吉廉状 。这是一个重要的步骤,需要一定的耐心,千万不能偷懒,尽管手会很酸 。
4)牛油加点热水,用微波炉叮十秒,将其融化 5)将牛油加入蛋黄中,并搅匀 。如果有奶油的话,最好加点 。
6)将弄好的蛋黄慢慢的加入打好的蛋白中,并搅匀 7)将大约一半(200g左右)的自发粉用筛网慢慢筛入蛋液中,并搅匀,成为面浆 。如果没有筛网的话,就像我一样,直接加入自发粉,但要不停的搅拌,以防形成小粉团,如果真的有小粉团的话,那只好洗干净手,嘿嘿,慢慢弄散吧 8)将dove弄成小块,并加点水,用微波炉叮,将其融化,成为巧克力液 。
喜欢吃巧克力的可以多放点 9)将弄好的巧克力液慢慢加入上述的面浆中,搅匀 。10)电饭锅底部擦上牛油,将面浆到进去,按下按钮就行了 。
第一次跳闸后,还不行,要再按下按钮,第二次跳闸后,就可以打开盖,牙签如果可以插进去,就代表可以了,一般来说,第二次跳闸后,再等半小时就差不多了 。如果觉得不好掌握时间的话,中途可以打开盖看看,自已把握时间 。