
1. 博物馆的英语怎么写 museum
n.博物馆 博物院
children's museum
commercial museum
historical museum
industrial museum
school museum
science museum
museum of native region
museum of popular education
2. 博物馆用英语怎么说 博物馆的英语为museum,音标为:英 [mju?zi:?m] 美 [mju?zi?m] 1、词源解说 十七世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的museum;最初源自希腊语的mouseion,意为学习的地方,图书馆 。
2、英英释义 A museum is a building where a large number of interest-ing and valuable objects, such as works of art or historical items, are kept, studied, and displayed to the public.(翻译:博物馆是保存、研究和向公众展示大量有兴趣和有价值的物品的建筑物,如艺术品或历史物品 。) 3、词汇搭配 (1)local museum 地方博物馆 (2)military museum 军事博物馆 (3)natural museum 自然博物馆 (4)popular museum 大众博物馆 (5)public museum 公共博物馆 (6)well-arranged museum 陈设整齐的博物馆 扩展资料 相关词汇 1、gallery (美术馆):英 [?g?l?ri] 美 [?ɡ?l?ri] 例句:The painting is in the gallery upstairs. (翻译:那幅画在楼上的画廊里 。)
2、library(图书馆):英 [?la?br?ri] 美 [?la?breri] 例句:She issued them library cards. (翻译:她给他们发了借书证 。) 3、science museum(科技馆):英 [?sai?ns mju:?zi?m] 美 [?sa??ns mju?zi?m] 例句:I learned a lot at the Shaanxi Science Museum. (翻译:我在陕西科技馆学到了很多科技知识 。)
4、archive(档案馆):英 [?ɑ:ka?v] 美 [?ɑ:rka?v] 例句:The BBC's archives are bulging with material.(翻译:英国广播公司的档案库材料极其丰富 。) 参考资料来源:百度百科-museum 。
3. 英语关于写博物馆的作文怎么写啊 In "Night at the Museum," Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley, a divorced dad who has trouble bringing his many moneymaking schemes to fruition. Pressured by his ex-wife to find a job or lose custody of his 10-year-old son, Daley finds work at New York's famed Museum of Natural History, where he is tutored in security by three outgoing guards (Dick Van Dyke, Bill Cobbs and a scene-stealing Mickey Rooney). The old codgers are definitely up to something, and when the doors are locked for the day and the sun goes down, Larry discovers what they didn't tell him: At night, all the stuffed animals, dioramas and mannequins -- even the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in the front hall -- come to life and run amok.
So Larry finds himself chaperoning the world's most surreal play date, as the dino insists on playing fetch, an Easter Island sculpture asks him for "gum-gum," a monkey steals his keys, Attila the Hun tries to rip him apart and Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams), when not shouting "Bully!," gives Larry chaos-management advice (something about men either being born great or having greatness thrust upon them).
The plot thickens, but mostly "Night at the Museum," which has been competently if not inspiringly directed by Shawn Levy, is all about those eye-popping scenes of lions, zebras, Civil War soldiers, Christopher Columbus and Sacagawea committing sundry acts of mayhem and mischief. It's a fun ride, and the big payoff -- that history turns out to be way cooler than its reputation suggests -- is even more gratifying.
4. 小作文博物馆英语怎么写10字 and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington in 1887. Until 1997, when the British Library opened to the public, the British Museum was unique in that it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national library in the same building. Its present chairman is Sir John Boyd and its director is Neil MacGregor. 。