回复客人邮件怎么写( 二 )

Hi xxx,Thank you for your reply. I understand that you received a quotation with a more competitive price than mine, however, I hope that you give me the opportunity to improve our price level. I visited your company's website several times and I think we can be a very good match. Our high level of service will be very beneficial, which in combination with the high quality of our goods, will satisfy your customers needs.Can you please inform me which price will fit into your purchasing strategy for buying our products in China? I will do my upmost best to supply you with a very competitive quotation. I am looking for a long term cooperation and we are willing to invest in a startup.If you think the price level is acceptable for you, but maybe just not the lowest you can get, I still hope that you place a sample order with us . Our quality is very good.样品单经过前面几步的工作,再加上时间的位移,总归会有那么几个客户谈到样品单的问题,能把样品单搞定,就离big order 更近一步了,当然如果你的样品是免费的,就另当别论了 。到这一步,最常出的岔子就是,报价发过去,客人没有异议,选几款产品要你做样品PI,做好了,发过去,客人就没反应了,眼看半熟的鸭子飞了,很是痛心,于是乎,隔三岔五发个邮件去催,结果还是单相思 。
这种情况,如果催的太急了,客人会感觉,是不是你东西卖不出去了,好不容易逮到我,就要塞给我,适得其反,如果催的不急,又怕时间长了,节外生枝,客人找到更合适的供应商,所以尺度的把握很重要 。我的做法是,给客人做了样品PI,给客人留一周左右的时间,因为和我们联系的人也可能是对方的小职员,他们要请示他们的领导做决定,所以要给对方留一点考虑的余地 。
如果一周过去了,还没回复,我就会写一封email,内容主要是增加一些产品的详细技术信息,以及产品真实图片,包装细节等,结尾的时候要给对方一些委婉的提示,样品单什么时候可以确定 。邮件内容如下:Dear XXX :Thank you for the e-mail of samples inquiry on (time) To make you learn more about our products,pls find some details of technical info (package production and so on) in attachment.I look forward to start our cooperation. Do you already have a indication when I can expect more information from you? i have been ready to work hard on it .Wish your quick reply !Best Regards 我们的目的是催客人下单,但是又不能表示出很迫不及待的感觉,所以就要找点铺垫,避免太唐突 。
需要注意的是,发给客人的产品图片最好是数码相机照的真实图片,而且效果要好一点,不要发公司网站上的小图片,要给客人所见即所得的效果,我有一个客人就是因为看到样品图片和视频效果才决定下的样品单 。所以基本的图片处理还是要学一点 。
回正题,如果这样的邮件过去还是没有反应,就可能出岔子了,要不客人找到更好的价格,要不就是采购计划变了,这时候要搞清楚问题的关键,最好的方式就是电话直接联系了,因为邮件往来太费时间,而且样品单关系到 。
4. 客人的邮件,我该如何回复 > Sorry that we've no experience on shipment ex Ningbo to Egypt and hope you can help us to check the process on the apply the CIQ certificate. 抱歉,对于从宁波到埃及的海运,我们没有任何经验,所以希望贵司能帮我们监督申请CIQ监装 。
> - You should inform the exact loading date to the competent authority and they will supervision of loading.贵司需要告知主管部门(指CIQ)的装货日期,以便进行监装 > - Supervision of loading (Any doc. they'll provide to you on that day?)监装(监装人员是否会提供给你们任何所需的单据) > - Original CIQ certificate will be issue 3-5 days after loading.装货后3-5天需要出具正本CIQ证书我只给你翻译 至于回复自己来另 提醒 埃及最近动荡中 注意货款安全[] 。