
1. 黄财神的英文怎么写 黄财神(Yellow Jambhala)
真言:唵 藏母巴拉 扎联扎耶 梭哈
黄财神即黄布禄金刚,藏名为:"藏巴拉·些玻" 。财源广黄财神为五姓财神之一,主司财富,能使一切 众生脱于贫困,财源广进 。当初释迦牟尼佛于灵鹫山宣传说大般若经时,诸魔鬼神等皆前来障碍,令高山崩塌,大众惊恐,此时黄财神就现身庇护,后来世尊嘱咐黄财神,当于未来世助益一切贫困众生,为大护法 。
本尊形象为肚大身小,双手有力,肤色金黄,右手持摩尼宝珠,左手轻抓口吐珠宝的吐宝鼠 。头戴五佛宝冠,身着天衣,蓝色莲花及珠宝璎珞作严饰 。胸前挂乌巴拉念珠,以如意坐左脚曲,右脚轻踩海螺宝,安坐于莲花月轮上 。
【财神英文怎么写】诚心持诵黄财神心咒,可获其庇佑能财源广进,免除穷困,以及一切经济窘困 。如果能发生无上菩提心,发愿救度一切众生于贫困,则福德更不可限量 。
2. 急求一篇关于财神的英文简介 在线等 不求多 只求精 ?Chinese God of FortuneCai Shen or Bi Gan, his mortal name is literally translated as the God of Prosperity. Cai Shen is one of the most popular pantheons among the Chinese community. His popularity is due to his primary duty as an accountant guarding all the treasuries on heaven. He is also able to bestow fortune to suitable candidates on earth. Though Cai Shen is mainly perceived as a Taoist deity, Pure Land Buddhism also recognized him as a god.Historically, Bi Gan was the uncle and a minister of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. He was also a very honest and capable business man. Often Bi Gan would offer his helps to other merchants by funding their business with no obligations. The poorer folks also benefited from Bi Gan's generosity as he would donate his wealth and fortune to them. Thus he grew tremendous amount of popularity among the people. The popularity that Bi Gan received from the people soon draws the jealousy of King Zhou and his family. Daji, King Zhou's most favored concubine one day killed Bi Gan by digging out his heart. After his death, business man started to hang the portrait of Bi Gan to honor him. Those who had hung the portrait of Bi Gan also swore to the heaven that they held upmost honesty in doing business. The death of Bi Gan soon marks the end of Shang Dynasty.According to legend, Bi Gan did not die. He was offered a magical panacea by a hermit Zhang Ziya that prolonged his life. Bi Gan escaped to the woods with his wife, children and fortune. Often he would appear from the woods and continue to distribute his wealth to the people. The magical panacea had prolonged his life unnaturally until he had finally attained enlightenment on top of a mountain. Legend also state that he co assists with Taoist master Zhang Dao Ling in search of secrets of life prolonging panacea.Cai Shen is depicted riding a black tiger holding a metallic rod as his weapon. The usual portrait of Cai Shen is a man dressed like a civil official who wears a minister's gauze cap and embroidered robe, with a Ru Yi (an S-shaped ornamental object, usu. made of jade, formerly a symbol of good luck) in his hand and gold or silver ingots under his feet. His portrait is usually hung during Chinese New Year. Business man, investors, traders and gambler would often pray and seek advise from the Cai Shen and mistaken him as the God of Luck. 展开 。

