
1. 我的故乡 英语作文要翻译 My hometownMy hometown is an old, long and beautiful place, it is china. As a Chinese, I think I love my motherland, China's long, rich history is his people want to learn about the mysterious story, but in my local people's eyes, no home, home of mystery, is far beyond the imagination of foreigners, I love Chinese geographical culture, literary value high world classics, has a high status in Chinese literature, to make a long story short, I love my home, in my mind, it is the most beautiful place.我的故乡我的故乡是一个古老、悠久而又美丽的地方,那就是中国 。
作为一个中国人,我想我是热爱自己祖国的,中国悠久、丰富的历史是他国人民想要了解的神秘故事,但在我这个当地人眼里,故乡的没,故乡的神秘,是远远超出外国人的想象,我爱中国的地理文化,文学价值很高的世界级古典名著,拥有崇高地位的中国文学者,总而言之,我爱我的故乡,在我心中,它是最美e5a48de588b662616964757a686964616f31333330363239的地方 。
2. 老家英文怎么写 老家:
1. native place
2. place of origin
3. home state or region
4. Blighty
5. Ancestral home
British soldiers go home.
英国兵回老家去 。
Are you asking about my home town?
Your homeland has gone to rack and ruin.
你老家的田园已经荒芜 。
I dreamed of my old home last night.
昨晚我梦见我的老家了 。
His attachment to his old home is very great.
他对他老家怀有深厚的感情 。
It is hotter in summer in my home town than it is here.
夏天我的老家比这里更热 。
You'll have to pull out all the stops to persuade your mother to leave her old home.
你得千方百计劝说你的母亲离开老家 。
It broke his heart to see the old family home pulled down.
看到老家的住宅被拆毁,他很伤心 。
I don't think about my old home very much, only (every) now and again.
我并不怎么想念老家,只是偶尔想想罢了 。
3. 我的故乡 英语作文要翻译 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.
【故乡英文怎么写】How about you?
我来自深圳.在春天,天气温暖和潮湿 。我可以玩风筝 。在夏天,天气炎热而潮湿 。我可以在游泳池里游泳 。在秋天,天气凉爽而干燥 。我也可以玩风筝 。在冬天,天气寒冷而干燥 。它从不下雪 。
4. 用英文写一篇题目为故乡的作文 My hometown is beautiful guangdong, there was my family, mom and dad, and brother. My hometown characteristics is delicious steamed and chrysanthemum exhibition and DengZhan, many world famous lamp output from our hometown. I love my hometown because it g 。

