
1. 居住这个英语单词怎么读【英语居住怎么写】 居住的英语单词:live
读音:英 [l?v] 美 [l?v]
v. 居住;过着
adj. 活的;直播的;现场的;带电的;燃烧着的;当前的
adv. 现场
1、live abroad 在国外居住
2、live at home 住在家中
3、live apart 分居
4、live close 住在附近
1、There lived an old hunter in that small hut.
在那间小屋里住过一位年老的猎人 。
2、Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.
从前 , 海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫 。
3、They live on the other side of the street.
他们住在马路的另一边 。
4、These workers decided to live in.
这些工人决定寄宿 。
reside, abide, inhabit, live, stay这几个词都有“住”的意思 。其区别在于:
1、live作“居住 , 住”解时 , 是普通用语 , 指住在某一地方 , 多用于日常生活口语中 , 是不及物动词 , 后面常与介词连用;
2、reside为正式用语 , 指在某地固定居住或合法地居住;
3、inhabit指人或动物因适应所生活地域的自然环境而定居下来 , 通常用作及物动词;abide常用在法律和文学上 , 是较为陈旧、文气的用法;
4、stay指暂时住在某处 , 常用于旅途中在某处住宿 , 是不及物动词 。
2. 【写一篇关于你居住的英语作文5句话】 The advantages and disadvantages of boarding schoolBoarding can improve free-standing ability,I usually to wash clothes,rice parents do parents,what also not sorrow.In high school,leaving home just know oneself what doesn't.Boarding let I learned a lot,and live with classmates and peers,are,also can chat to go together.Well,living at home the learning environment well,nobody noisy you.But I was at home study won't go down,I also not a self-conscious.Learn two minutes,want to sit through a watch some TV,play computer,his heart was not in a study.Boarding have learning atmosphere,others learn,you also learn accordingly,and no TV,computer,won't be distracted.Classmate opinion supervise,to not do topic can discuss.They want to do than at home it was still not stronger.If is very consciously student,and independence 。
3. 写一篇关于你居住的英语作文5句话 The advantages and disadvantages of boarding school Boarding can improve free-standing ability, I usually to wash clothes, rice parents do parents, what also not sorrow. In high school, leaving home just know oneself what doesn't. Boarding let I learned a lot, and live with classmates and peers, are, a窢户促鞠讵角存携担毛lso can chat to go together.Well, living at home the learning environment well, nobody noisy you. But I was at home study won't go down, I also not a self-conscious. Learn two minutes, want to sit through a watch some TV, play computer, his heart was not in a study. Boarding have learning atmosphere, others learn, you also learn accordingly, and no TV, computer, won't be distracted. Classmate opinion supervise, to not do topic can discuss. They want to do than at home it was still not stronger. If is very consciously student, and independence 。

