
1. 关于巴西的英文简介 Federative Republic of Brazil is Latin America's largest country, population ranks fifth in the world. Its territory is located between Central and South America and the Atlantic Ocean, covering an area of the world's fifth largest after Russia, Canada, the United States and China, and Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana border . Brazil has vast tracts of farmland and vast rainforest. Country names from the Brazilian mahogany. Benefit from the rich natural resources and abundant labor, Brazil's gross domestic product ranked first in South America, the world's tenth member of the League for the South American countries. History, served as a Portuguese colony, Brazil's official language is Portuguese.原文:巴西联邦共和国是拉丁美洲最大的国家,人口数居世界第五 。
【巴西的英语怎么写】其国土位于中南美洲与大西洋之间,面积为世界第五大,仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大、美国与中国,与乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴拉圭、玻利维亚、秘鲁、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南、法属圭亚那接壤 。巴西拥有辽阔的农田和广袤的雨林 。
国名源于巴西红木 。得益于丰厚的自然资源和充足的劳动力,巴西的国内生产总值位居南美洲第一,世界第十,为南美洲国家联盟的成员国 。
由于历史上曾为葡萄牙的殖民地,巴西的官方语言为葡萄牙语 。
2. 关于巴西的英语介绍加翻译 巴西的介绍,国家地理的官网介绍:Brazil shares a border with almost every other country in South America--only Chile and Ecuador are untouched--and covers almost half the continent. It is the fifth largest country in the world, behind Russia, Canada, China, and the U.S.A., with an area of eight and a half million square kilometers.Despite its vast expanse of territory, Brazil's population is concentrated in the major cities of its coast. The urban sprawls of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo dominate the southern coast. Further north, towns such as Salvador and Jo?o Pessoa retain the colonial atmosphere of the early Portuguese settlers. The great interior, much of which is covered by the rainforest basin of the Amazon, remains sparsely settled.Almost half of Brazil's territory is covered by the basin of the Amazon River and its tributaries, a region that is one of the world's largest rainforest ecologies. Unfortunately, a substantial proportion of this area has suffered the effects of modernization in recent years. From the Amazon's mouth on the Pacific to Manaus, the region's bustling main city, the river is heavily traveled, and wildlife is scarce. Away from the cities and the main course of the Amazon, however, smaller tributaries lead past unspoiled habitat and traditional villages.South of the Amazon region, the country's interior is dominated by the Brazilian Shield, an expansive bedrock flat that is slowly falling victim to the elements. The Mato Grosso, a smooth, grassy plain in Brazil's center, slowly gives way to the Planalto, a low-rise plateau that extends across the central and western regions. In the far west, along the border with Paraguay and Bolivia, is the Pantanal, one of the most extensive swamplands in the world.Brazil's winter lasts from June to August, with temperatures between 13 and 18C, but it only gets really cold south of Rio. Summer is from December to February, a period frequently bringing stifling humidity to the far south. Brief rain showers are common, given Brazil's tropical climate, but the dry interior has only a few months of heavy rainfall a year. Of course, the Amazon Basin is the wettest area, with damp, moist temperatures averaging 27 C.其实巴西不只这些东西,不过既然是国家地理给出的introductions,也应该是比较权威的了~中文可以直接百度翻译一下,大概意思是可以翻译出来的 。
