
1. 雾霾用英语怎么写 雾霾的英语是:haze
用作名词 (n.)1. The foothills were looming ahead through the haze.
丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前 。2. He gaped vaguely at the thick haze in the distance.
他茫然地盯着远处浓厚的烟雾 。3. My mind was in a complete haze.
我完全糊涂了 。用作不及物动词 (vi.)1. His eyes hazed over when he thought of her.
他想起她来时,眼前一片模糊 。用作及物动词 (vt.)1. Don't haze the new roommate, he's my cousin.
别戏弄新来的室友,他是我表弟 。
2. 雾霾英语作文 要写怎么做,具体的 中文翻译 First, go outside. Weak resistance of the elderly and children and those with respiratory disease in susceptible populations should be minimized to go out, or reduce outdoor activities, wear protective masks when they go out of the body, to prevent contaminants from the nose, mouth invade the lungs, go out back, it should be immediately wash face and exposed skin. Second, avoid outdoor exercise. Fog and haze and low air pressure, low visibility, toxic particles suspended in the air a lot of dust, with bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory disease in patients with chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, should avoid outdoor exercise, so as not to induce or aggravate seizures was chronic. The same low pressure fog, chronic hypertension, coronary heart disease and other outdoor exercise should not be done to avoid induced angina, heart failure. Moderate and severe haze easy to irritate the human respiratory and circulatory systems, especially in the morning, the air quality is poor. Generally speaking, when the cold air and the absence of rain, snow, wind and other weather, the best time to exercise choice, good morning to evening in front of the air quality, high visibility periods were, grassy sites with trees in many places as well, When the haze should also reduce the amount of exercise and moderate exercise intensity. Third, close the doors and windows. Due to fog and haze, difficult to disperse pollutants in the air, in foggy weather should shut the doors and windows, outdoor mist into the room to avoid indoor air pollution induced acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Fourth, pay attention to diet. Patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, especially the elderly to keep the law of life sciences, avoid over exertion, drink more water. To light diet, Eat spicy food, eat more tofu, milk and other foods, if necessary, to supplement vitamin D. Five, walking lane to be doubly careful. Moderate and severe fog and haze, visibility is low, poor sight, driving, cycling and walking people should be more careful, especially when unattended through the intersection and railroad crossing, to slow down, obey the traffic rules to avoid traffic accidents. (Attention haze, please your attention to the weather network for you haze topics 。
3. 关于雾霾的英语作文 解释雾霾Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.
阴霾是空气污染和灰尘,烟雾和其他干燥粒子,它掩盖了清晰的天空,与自然环境进行交互 。
雾霾原因This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.
这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为来源 。天然来源可以包括风沙、烟尘从森林大火 。人为来源可以包括机动车辆、工业燃料燃烧和制造业务 。触动了烟雾的主要原因之一是制造业务 。许多工厂测量产生的烟雾对标准和烟雾严重影响空气成为空气污染 。