
1. 鬼的英语单词怎么说 鬼的英语单词:ghost 。
ghost 英 [g??st] 美 [go?st] n.鬼,幽灵;(尤指可怕事物的)记忆;隐约的一点点;(电视屏幕上的)重影 。vt.悄悄地行进 。
vi.替人代笔 。短语 Ghost House 幽灵鬼屋 ; 异度空间 ; 幽灵屋 ghost flathead 针鲬科 ghost bat 澳洲假吸血蝙蝠 ; 大耳蝠 Ghost Trick 幽灵诡计 ; 幽灵欺诈 ; 幽灵侦探 ; 鬼整人 例句 1、Because the ghost says them to me. I never see him, but. 因为这幽灵跟我说过那些话 。
我从来没有见过他 。2、When can I see you and not your ghost? 为啥我能见到你而不是你的鬼魂? 扩展资料 近义词 1、shadow 英 ['??d??] 美 ['??do] n. 阴影;影子;幽灵;庇护;隐蔽处 vt. 遮蔽;使朦胧;尾随;预示 vi. 变阴暗 adj. 影子内阁的 短语 Eye shadow 眼影 ; 眼影刷 ; 大号烟熏刷 shadow cabinet 影子内阁 ; 智囊团 ; 顾问团 shadow biosphere 影子生物圈 ; 生物圈 ; 遮光效果 2、genie 英 ['d?i?n?] n. 妖怪;鬼 短语 rock genie 摇滚桔子 ; 摇滚桔千 ; 摆滚桔女 ; 摇滚桔己 mattress genie 床垫伴侣 Game genie 游戏精灵 ; 金手指 ; 游戏卓文萱 。
2. 小鬼当家英文缩写【小鬼的英文怎么写】 It is Christmas Time and the McAllister family is preparing for a vacation in Paris, France. But, the youngest in the family named Kevin got into a scuffle with his older brother Buzz and was sent to his room which is on the third floor of his house. Then, the next morning, while the rest of the family were in a rush to make it to the airport on time, they completely forgot about Kevin who now has the house all to himself. Being home alone was fun for Kevin, having a pizza all to himself, jumping on his parents' bed and making a mess. Then, Kevin discovers about 2 burglars, Harry and Marv about to rob his house on Christmas eve. Kevin acts quickly by wiring his own house with makeshift booby traps to stop the burglars and to bring them to justice. 。