
1. 棉花的用处英语作文带翻译 Classification and application of cotton: according to the fiber length and appearance, cotton can be divided into 3 categories: the first category slender fiber (2.5 to 6.5 centimeters in length range), shiny, including the excellent quality of sea island cotton, Egyptian cotton and Pima cotton; cotton yield is low, labor, the price is expensive, the main for advanced cloth, cotton yarn and knitted fabrics. The second category includes general medium length of cotton (a length of about 1.3 to 3.3 centimeters); third kinds of fiber short thick cotton (length of about 1 to 2.5 centimeters) used in the manufacture of carpets, blankets and cheap fabric, or blended with other fibers. Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, high yield, low production cost. Various specifications can be made of cotton fabric. Cotton fabric washing and ironing fastness wearable, under high temperature. Cotton moisture absorption and removal is fast and comfortable. The main by-product utilization value of cotton are higher, as they say "cotton body is a treasure". It is not only the most important fiber crop, and also is an important oil crop, also contain high protein food crops, or textile, chemical raw materials and the important strategic materials. Therefore, must make efforts to increase cotton yield, improve utilization, increase yield and output value, to increase farmers income and meet the needs of various aspects of the development of the national economy.翻译:棉花的分类及用途:根据纤维的长度和外观,棉花可分成3大类:第一类纤维细长(长度在2.5至6.5厘米范围内),有光泽,包括品质极佳的海岛棉、埃及棉和皮马棉等;长绒棉产量低,费工多,价格昂贵,主要用于高级布料、棉纱和针织品 。
第二类包括一般中等长度的棉花(长度约1.3至3.3厘米);第三类为纤维粗短的棉花(长度约1至2.5厘米)用来制造地毯、棉毯和价格低廉的织物,或与其他纤维混纺 。棉花是世界上最主要的农作物之一,产量高,生产成本低 。
【棉花英文怎么写】棉花能制成各种规格的织物 。棉织物坚牢耐磨,能洗涤并在高温下熨烫 。
棉布吸湿和脱湿快速而使穿着舒适 。棉花的主副产品都有较高的利用价值,正如前人所说“棉花全身都是宝” 。
它既是最重要的纤维作物,又是重要的油料作物,也是含高蛋白的粮食作物,还是纺织、精细化工原料和重要的战略物资 。因此,必须努力使棉花增产,搞好综合利用,增产增值,以增加棉农收入和满足国民经济发展多方面的需要 。

