
1. 荷叶的英语【荷叶的英文怎么写】 下载金山词霸手机版荷叶[hé yè]lotus leaf;相关例句1. The quilt has pretty, scalloped edges and intricate quilting.这条被子有漂亮的荷叶饰边,而且绗缝活做得也很精致 。
2. The lotus leaves are unfolding.(10.66K)荷叶舒展着.3. Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake, while beads of water rolled about the leaves.(28.51K)湖中有十来枝荷花.荷花上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去.4. " Permit me, " he said bending over and disentangling the flounce.(20.45K)" 让我来吧," 他说着,便弯下腰来解裙子上的那条荷叶边.5. Esther, wielding an iron, pressed out the wrinkles between the flounces.(23.33K)埃斯特使着熨斗,把荷叶边上的一道道小皱纹熨平.6. In a little pond beside a temple huge lotus leaves grew higher than a man.(19.87K)某某祠庙的东边,有个小小荷荡,这处的荷叶最大不过,高得几乎比人还高.7. The cuffs with falbala small lovely dot, sweet and some handsome wind.(22.18K)袖口的荷叶边有带点小可爱风,甜美又有些帅气 。. 。
2. 中文翻译英文 Tere is a lotus pool near my home,the surrounding of it is very beautiful!There are colorful flowers,dark green grasses and bushy trees which feel like a big green umbrella!
When the hot summer comes,the lotus blossom,and spread a burst of light aroma.The lotus leaves crowded together just like a big dark green plate!
3. 关于西湖的英文作文 Hangzhou was discribed as paridis in China,and West Lake is the most beautiful place in Hangzhou.West lake is always beautiful, even when it's raining, windy or even snowing.Diffrent time and diffrent weather makes West Lake a diffrent view. 。

