
1. 英语中的定语从句 定语从句可分为:限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 。
两者最大的区别在于,限定性的主句和从句是完整的一句话,中间没有标点,而非限定性会用逗号把主句和从句隔开 。而非限定性定语从句肯定不会出现引导词“that".在限定性定语从句中:1.“that"仅仅只能起连接句子的作用,不作任何成,没有任何意义 。
2.“who"表示的是“谁”,在从句中可以充当主语和表语 。3.“whom"表示的是“谁”,在从句中只能充当宾语 。
4.“which" 表示的是“哪一个”,可以指“人”,也可以指“物” 。
2. 定语从句怎么写 定语从句是指用一个句子去修饰另外一个句子里的名词或代词 。
所以你先写好一个句子,如:I like books. 然后再写一个句子来修饰这个句子里的名词或代词 。本句中可以修饰books 。
另外要注意的是引导词 。因为books是物体,所以用that或者which来指代books,也就是说在定语从句中that或which就等于books 。
那我们就可以这样写:I like books that are in the library.不知道你懂了没有 。再比如:The person(who is in the car) is our English teacher 。
3. 如何写定语从句 定语从句就是说以一个从句做定语 。
(ps,定语就是修饰名词或代词的词,一般来说是形容词做定语,也可以用一个从句)然后做题你就看被修饰的名词或代词是什么This is the muzeum_____ we visited yesterday.这道题中从句修饰的是museum,是一个地点,故用whereThe lady_____was here just now a nurse.这里修饰的是lady,是人物,故用whoShe likes the room_____window faces to the south.这里room是有指向性的,有朝南的窗子是定语,带有挑选的含义,故用whichI still remember the night____I had a wonderful dinner with you.这里修饰的night是某个时间,故用when以此类推哦~whose就是带有某人的意思,前面被修饰的名字肯定有归属性如I'm afraid of the man ______dog is violent 。. 。
4. 英语中各类从句怎么写 1.主语从句1)主语从句可直接位于主语的位置,如果从句较长,谓语又较短,可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末 。
常见的句型有:*It is a fact\a pity\a question\good news that 。*It seems\appears\happened\has turned out that 。
*It is clear\important\likely\possible that 。*It is said\reported\estimated\has been proved that 。
It is said that comic books create a connection between people of the same generation.It seems that the performance is very useful.2)what引导的主语从句表示“ 。的东西时”,一般不用it作形式主语 。
【英语定语从句怎么写】What we lack is experience.3)what,who,when,why,whether等词含有各自的疑问意义,但它们引导的主语从句,都用陈述语序 。How the plan is to be carried out should be discussed again.I did know why I felt like crying.2.宾语从句1)宾语从句可位于及物动词、介词和某些形容词后 。
连词that常可省略 。介词后一般接疑问词引导的宾语从句 。
in that(因为),except that(除了),but that(只是)已构成固定搭配,其他介词后一般不接that引导的宾语从句 。*I promised that I would change the situation.*All this is different from what American young people would say about friendship.*He is certain that watching so much television is not good for children.*This article is well-written except that it is a bit too long.2)宾语从句后如有宾补,要用形式宾语it来代替,而把宾语从句移至宾补之后 。
He has made it clear that he would not change his mind.3)在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词后的宾语从句中,如果谓语是否定的,一般将否定词移至主句谓语上,宾语从句则变成肯定形式 。He didn't think that the money was well spent.3.表语从句 表语从句出现在结构为“主语+系动词+表语从句”的句子中 。