
1. 水仙花 英文写话 The scientific name of the daffodil derives from the Greek god Narcissus,who looked into a pool, saw his reflection and fell in love with himself.水仙花的学名源自希腊神那西塞斯(希神一美少年那西塞斯因自恋水中的美影以致憔悴而死化为水仙花)They are easy to grow and require little maintenance.种植水仙花很简单 , 且所需的养护也很少 。
Daffodil flowers have a trumpet-shaped structure setagainst a star-shaped background.水仙有喇叭状花形 , 背面则呈星状 。The cheerful, nodding heads of daffodils are the true harbingers of spring.明丽、有着下垂式花冠的水仙花是预告春天来临真正的使者 。
Daffodils, the flowers symbolising friendship,are one of the most popular flowers exclusively due to their unmatched beauty.水仙花花语为友谊 , 因其独具的无以比拟的美丽而深受欢迎 。
2. 水仙花 英文写话 The scientific name of the daffodil derives from the Greek god Narcissus,
who looked into a pool, saw his reflection and fell in love with himself.
They are easy to grow and require little maintenance.
种植水仙花很简单 , 且所需的养护也很少 。
Daffodil flowers have a trumpet-shaped structure set
against a star-shaped background.
水仙有喇叭状花形 , 背面则呈星状 。
The cheerful, nodding heads of daffodils are the true harbingers of spring.
明丽、有着下垂式花冠的水仙花是预告春天来临真正的使者 。
Daffodils, the flowers symbolising friendship,
are one of the most popular flowers exclusively due to their unmatched beauty.
水仙花花语为友谊 , 因其独具的无以比拟的美丽而深受欢迎 。
3. 水仙花英文名,学名,别名 英文名字 :Daffodil
中文别名 :凌波仙子、金盏银台、落神香妃、玉玲珑、金银台、姚女花、女史花、
水仙花秀丽素雅 , 品性高洁 , 其叶挺拔翠绿 , 白玉莹润的花朵生于绿叶丛中 , 翠绿、玉白、金黄三色相映 , 玲珑剔透 , 色香俱全 , 和谐美丽 。水仙花品种极多 , 花态差异很大 。顾名思义此花是“水中仙子” , 故又有“凌波仙子”之称 。“凌波仙子生尘袜 , 波上轻盈步微月”水仙绿裙青带 , 不沾尘土 , 娟秀素雅 , 凝姿约素 , 婷婷玉立于清波之中 , 不仅具有春兰一般淡雅妩媚 , 又有兰蕙般的典雅含蓄 。所以水仙又被称为“丽兰” 。水仙花与“兰花”、“菊花”、“菖蒲”并称为“花草四雅” 。宋代诗画家黄庭坚诗中写水仙花道:“借水开花一枝奇 , 水沉为骨玉为肌 。暗香已压酴醚倒 , 只比寒梅无好枝 。”诗人用比喻和对比的手法刻画了水仙花的精神与性格 , 突出了水仙花的幽香与柔美 。清代康熙皇帝也作诗对案头的水仙花钟爱有嘉 。写道:“翠帔香冠白玉珈 , 清姿终不淤泥沙 。骚人空自吟芳芷 , 未识凌波第一花” , “冰雪为肌玉炼颜 , 婷婷玉立藐姑山 。群花之在轩窗外 , 那得移来几案间” 。
据《新唐书》、《唐会要》、《中国通史》记载 , 自唐太宗贞观十七年至唐玄宗开元十年的80年间 , 当时的佛林国曾五次遣使入唐 。带来了“根大如卵 , 似蒜的花卉 , 不结子 , 冬生夏死”极为高贵的水仙花 。古称的“佛林国”就是如今的欧洲意大利 , 这样看来水仙花从欧洲引入我国至少已有1200多年的历史 。