
1. 燕子的英文怎么说 燕子的英文是swallow 。
英式读法为[?sw?l??];美式读法为[?swɑlo?] 。作及物动词或者不及物动词时意思是吞,咽;忍耐,忍受 。
作及物动词时意思是不流露;<口>忍受,轻信 。作名词时意思是[鸟]燕子;胃管,食道;一次吞咽的量;(滑车等的)通索孔 。
相关例句: 用作名词 (n.) 1、There are many swallows flying in the sky. 天空中有许多燕子 。2、The swallow has made a nest under our eaves. 燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝 。
用作动词 (v.) 1、They can't treat me like that; I'm not going to swallow it. 他们不e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306435能这样对待我,我忍不下这口气 。2、He swallowed all the criticism without saying a thing. 他默默地忍受一切责难 。
扩展资料: 单词解析: 1、变形: 名词: swallower 过去式: swallowed 过去分词: swallowed 现在分词: swallowing 第三人称单数: swallows 2、用法: v. (动词) 1)swallow的基本意思是“咽下”,指“吃”这个过程的第二阶段——“咽” 。即将口中食物通过咽喉直入食道 。
有时可指“快吃”,而不是把食物慢慢嚼碎 。引申为“忍受”“不流露” 。
还可表示“吞没”“掩盖”“抓住” 。2)swallow在作“忍受”“抑制(情感)”解时,多指某人虽受痛苦与困难,但以某方式接受了令人烦恼、令人无法忍受的痛苦与经历 。
3)swallow可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语 。
可用于被动结构 。参考资料: 百度百科-swallow 。
2. 《燕》用英语单词怎么写的 swallow[5swClEu]n.[鸟]燕子,吞咽,喉vt.咽,淹没,吞没,取消,忍受,轻信,压制,耗尽vi.吞下,咽下swallowswal.low 1AHD:[sw?l“?] D.J.[6sw%lou]K.K.[6sw$lo]v.(动词)swal.lowed, swal.low.ing, swal.lowsv.tr.(及物动词)To cause (food or drink, for example) to pass through the mouth and throat into the stomach.吞咽:使(如食物或饮料)通过嘴和咽喉进入胃To put up with (something unpleasant):忍受(不快的事):swallowed the insults and kept on working.忍受侮辱继续工作To refrain from expressing; suppress:压抑:避免表达:抑制:swallow one's feelings.压抑情绪To consume or destroy as if by ingestion; devour:吞噬:象消化食物一样耗尽或毁灭;吞没:a building that was swallowed up by fire.被火焰吞没的建筑Slang To believe without question:【俚语】 轻信:毫无疑问地接受:swallowed the alibi.轻信这个托辞To take back; retract:彻回;收回:swallow one's words.收回前言v.intr.(不及物动词)To perform the act of swallowing.吞咽:进行吞咽的行为n.(名词)The act of swallowing.吞咽:吞咽的行为An amount swallowed.一次吞咽量Nautical The channel through which a rope runs in a block or a mooring chock.【航海】 通索孔,停泊钩:供缆绳穿过进入滑轮或系泊导缆钩的凹槽Middle English swalowen 中古英语 swalowen from Old English swelgan * see swel- 源自 古英语 swelgan *参见 swel- swal“lowern.(名词)swallowswal.low 2AHD:[sw?l“?] D.J.[6sw%lou]K.K.[6sw$lo]n.(名词)Any of various small, graceful, swift-flying passerine birds of the family Hirundinidae, having long, pointed wings, a usually notched or forked tail, and a large mouth for catching flying insects and noted for their regular migrations in large numbers, often over long distances.燕子:燕科体小、优美且飞行快疾的燕雀类小鸟,具有长而尖的翅膀、通常为V形或叉形尾巴和用于抓飞虫的大嘴,并因它们长距离的规律性集体大迁徙而闻名Any of various similar birds, such as a swift.各种类似的鸟,如褐雨燕Middle English swalowe 中古英语 swalowe from Old English swealwe 源自 古英语 swealwe swallow 1[5swRlEJ]vt., vi.吞下,咽下She swallowed some milk.她咽下几口牛奶 。