
1. 冰淇淋的英语怎么写 ice cream
冰淇淋 [bīng qí lín]:ice cream , 关于冰淇淋 , (ice Cream , 又名冰激凌、甜筒等)的起源有多种说法 。草莓冰淇淋在中国很久以前就开始食用的“冰酪”(或称“冻奶” , 英文“Flozen Milk” , 现称冰淇淋 , 英文“Ice Cream”) 。真正用奶油配制冰淇淋始于我国 , 据说是马可·波罗从中国带到西方去的 。
1. 吃冰淇淋 Eat ice cream ; eat an ice cream ; Eating ice cream ; Ice cream
2. 绿茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream ; Green Teamochi ice cream ; Ice Cream Green Tea
3. 水果冰淇淋 Sundae ; Fruit Ice Cream ; Fruity Pie ;
4. 烘烤冰淇淋 Baked Alaska
5. 冰淇淋粉 Powders for ice cream ; ice cream powder ; dried ice cream mix ; dry ice cream mix
6. 咖啡冰淇淋 Coffee Ice Cream ; coffee parfait ; Ice Cream Coffee ; Coffee
7. 冰淇淋勺 ice Cream Scoop ; Icecream spoon ; STEEL ICE-CREAM SCOOP
8. 鲜果冰淇淋 fruit ice cream ; Ice Cream
9. 冰淇淋头痛 Ice Cream Headache
1. 他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水 。
He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.
2. 那小男孩吃了好几满盘冰淇淋 。
The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream.
3. 我一顿只吃面包、香蕉和冰淇淋;难道我还算吃得多么?
I only have a meal of bread, bananas and ice cream; do I pig out?
2. 冰淇淋用英语怎么说 ice cream英 [a?s kri:m] 美 [a?s krim]
第三人称复数:ice creams
ice cream 基本解释
ice cream 相关例句
1. Mother knows how to make ice cream.
母亲会做冰淇淋 。
2. The child ate three ice creams today.
那孩子今天吃了三个冰淇淋 。
3. 做冰欺凌英语作文50词 Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice[1]) is a frozen food, typically eaten as a snack or dessert, usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. It is typically sweetened with sucrose, corn syrup, cane sugar, beet sugar, and/or other sweeteners. Typically, flavourings and colourings are added in addition to stabilizers. The mixture is stirred to incorporate air spaces and cooled below the freezing point of water to prevent detectable ice crystals from forming. The result is a smooth, semi-solid foam that is solid at very low temperatures (<35 °F / 2 °C). It becomes more malleable as its temperature increases.Before the development of modern refrigeration, ice cream was a luxury reserved for special occasions. Making it was quite laborious; ice was cut from lakes and ponds during the winter and stored in holes in the ground, or in wood-frame or brick ice houses, insulated by straw. Many farmers and plantation owners, including U.S. Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, cut and stored ice in the winter for use in the summer. Frederic Tudor of Boston turned ice harvesting and shipping into a big business, cutting ice in New England and shipping it around the world.Ice cream can be mass-produced and thus is widely available in developed parts of the world. Ice cream can be purchased in large cartons (vats and squrounds) from supermarkets and grocery stores, in smaller quantities from ice cream shops, convenience stores, and milk bars, and in individual servings from small carts or vans at public events.---------------------------America's favorite dessert is thought to have originated in the mountains of ancient China, with snow probably used as the base. Today's ice cream is made with a combination of milk products (usually cream combined with fresh condensed or dry milk), a sweetening agent (sugar, honey, corn syrup or artificial sweetener) and sometimes solid additions such as pieces of chocolate, nuts, fruit and so on. According to FDA regulations, ice creams with solid additions must contain a minimum of 8 percent milk fat, while plain ice creams must have at least 10 percent milk fat. French ice cream has a cooked egg-custard base. Ice milk is made in much the same way as ice cream, except for the fact that it contains less milk fat and milk solids. The result, other than a lowered calorie count, is a lighter, less creamy texture. Commercial ice creams usually contain stabilizers to improve both texture and body, and to help make them melt resistant. Many also contain artificial coloring. Those made with natural flavorings (for instance, chocolate) will be labeled simply "Chocolate Ice Cream." If the majority of the flavoring is natural with a boost from an artificial-flavor source, the label will read "Chocolate-Flavored Ice Cream"; if more than 50 percent of the flavoring is artificial it will read "Artificial Chocolate Ice Cream." All commercial ice creams have "overrun," a term applied to the amount of air they contain. The percentage of overrun ranges from 0 (no air) to 200, a theoretical figure that would be all air. The legal overrun limit for ice cream is 100 percent, which would amount to half air. Ice cream needs some air or it would be rock-hard. But one with 100 percent overrun would have so little body that it would feel mushy in the mouth; it would also melt extremely fast. An ice cream with the more desirable proportion of 20 to 50 percent overrun (10 to 25 percent air) would be denser, creamier and eminently more satisfying. Since the overrun is not listed on the package, the only way to be absolutely sure is to weigh the carton. Ice cream with a 50 percent overrun (25 percent air) will weigh about 18 ounces per pint (subtract about 1? ounces for the weight of the container). The weight of the ice cream will be proportionately higher with a lower percentage of overrun. During storage, ice cream has a tendency to absorb other food odors and to form ice crystals. For that reason, it's best not to freeze it for more than two to three days. Sealing the carton airtight in a plastic bag will extend storage life up to a week. Ice cream is used for a plethora of delicious treats including baked Alaskas, banana splits and ice cream bars, sandwiches and cakes (cake layered with ice cream and frozen). 。