
1. 新学期用英语怎么写 new semesternew term经过两个月的假期,学生已经开始了一个新学期 。
After two months' holiday pupils have started a new term. 我希望跟他们一起高高兴兴迎接新学期的到来 。I hope to welcome the new semester with them happily together. 拖着沉重的脚步,黄雷(音译)离开家迎来了新学期 。
Dragging his feet, Ray Huang left home for the new semester. 新学期将于九月份开学 。The new term will begin in september. 日本宫城县中学校长说:“新学期有350名学生报名 。
Middle School Principal, Ishinomaki, Japan, said, "350 students have registered for the newsemester.。
2. 新学期用英语怎么写 1. new semester
2. new term
3. 经过两个月的假期,学生已经开始了一个新学期 。
After two months' holiday pupils have started a new term.
4. 我希望跟他们一起高高兴兴迎接新学期的到来 。
I hope to welcome the new semester with them happily together.
5. 拖着沉重的脚步,黄雷(音译)离开家迎来了新学期 。
Dragging his feet, Ray Huang left home for the new semester.
6. 新学期将于九月份开学 。
The new term will begin in september.
7. 日本宫城县中学校长说:“新学期有350名学生报名 。
Middle School Principal, Ishinomaki, Japan, said, "350 students have registered for the newsemester.
3. 新学期计划的英语作文怎么写 新的学期开始了,我给自己制定了一份新的学期计划:学习态度要端正,上课不搞小动作,认真听讲,积极发言,仔细做好每一道题,不懂就问,主动和同学商量,向老师请教 。我们学习的每一科都非常重要,我们不能偏科,所以,我要学好每一科,争取当一名中西贯通、古今贯通、文理贯通的好学生 。
The new term begins, I make a new term plan:Honestly, learning attitude, class not fidget, active listening carefully, completes each question, ask when you don't understand, active and discuss classmate, ask the teacher for advice. We learn each section are very important, we cannot very few, so, I want to learn each branch, for when a breakthrough, western learnings and texture of good students.
This is my plan for the new term, I will strive toward this goal, hope the teachers, students and parents give supervise! ------------------------------------既有中文也有英文哦!望采纳!
4. "新的学期,新的开始"英语怎么说用英语翻 新的学期,新的开始:A new semester, a new beginning单词分析:1、new,英 [nju:] 美 [nu:] 释义:(1)adj.新的,崭新的;新鲜的,新到的;现代的;初次(听到)的(2)adv.新近,最近例句:This adds a new dimension to our work. 这给我们的工作增添了新的内容 。
2、semester,英 [s??mest?(r)] 美 [s??m?st?] 释义:n.(尤指美国的大专院校的)学期;半学年例句:Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester. 每学期每个学生都要在餐厅服务一周 。3、beginning,英 [b??g?n??] 美 [b??ɡ?n??] 释义:n.开始;根源;原始思想;前兆v.开始( begin的现在分词)例句:This is only the beginning. 这仅仅是开始 。
扩展资料:1、new(新的)的同义词:novelnovel,英 [?n?vl] 美 [?nɑ:vl] n.(长篇)小说;[法]新法,附律adj.新奇的;异常的例句:What was once a novel approach had become orthodoxy. 一度很新奇的做法如今已被广为接受 。2、semester(学期)的同义词:trimestertrimester,英 [tra??mest?(r)] 美 [tra??m?st?,?tra??m?s-] 释义:n.三个月,学期例句:Members can choose to study either one or two subjects per trimester. 会员可以选择每一个学期学习一门或两门课程 。