
1. 用英语描写一个花瓶 英语作文 My wife likes flowers, or rather, she likes all sort of plants. But unfortunately, she can't enjoy near to them because she is suffering from hay fever, a sickness that is allergy to pollens from all plants, particularly flowers. Therefore we don't keep flowers in the house, except a few special occasions such as our wedding anniversaries, her birthdays and Valentines Days. But we have a lot of flower vases at home, mostly were gifts from friends. And there is one of them I particularly like that I don't even know since when we had it, did we bought it or a present from a friend. The reason I this vase is that it has a perfect design, which is suitable to display any kind of flower arrangements. No matter whether they are tall flowers or short flowers, big bunches or just a few. When there were more than one vase of flowers on display, it always stands out. it just look more perfect in every way. but it is just a pity that we can't use it more often, and have to hide it away somewhere and let the dust settle on it until it comes to it's use once again. 楼主,,只是乱写一通,但求符合题目的要求,希望满意 。

