3 讲授法
讲授法是教师运用口头语言向学生描绘情境、叙述事实、解释概念、论证原理和阐明规律的一中教学方法 。
4 谈话法
谈话法 , 又称回答法 。它是通过师生的交谈来传播和学习知识的一种方法 。其特点是教师引导学生运用已有的经验和知识回答教师提出的问题 , 借以获得新知识或巩固、检查已学的知识 。
讨论法是在教师指导下 , 由全班或小组围绕某一种中心问题通过发表各自意见和看法 , 共同研讨 , 相互启发 , 集思广益地进行学习的一种方法 。
6 演示法
演示法是教师把实物或实物的模象展示给学生观察 , 或通过示范性的实验 , 通过现代教学手段 , 使学生获得知识更新的一种教学方法 。它是辅助的教学方法 , 经常与讲授、谈话、讨论等方法配合一起使用 。
7 参观法
参观法是根据教学目的要求 , 组织学生到一定的校外场所——自然界、生产现场和其他社会生活场所 , 使学生通过对实际事物和现象的观察、研究获得新知识的方法 。
8 练习法
练习法是在教师指导下学生巩固知识和培养各种学习技能垢基本方法 , 也是学生学习过程中的一种主要的实践活动 。
9 实验法
实验法是学生在教师 指导下 , 使用一定的设备和材料 , 通过控制条伯的操作 , 引起实验对象的某些变化 , 并从观察这些变化中获得新知识或验证知识的一种教学方法 , 它也是自然科学学科常用的一种方法 。
10 实习法(或称实习作业法)
实习法是学生 在教师纽上 , 利用一定 实习场所 , 参加一定实习工作 , 以掌握一定的技能和有关的直接知识 , 或验证间接知识 , 综合运用所学知识的一种教学方法
读书指导法是教师 目的、有计划地指导学生通过独立阅读教材和参考资料获得知识的一种教学方法 。
9. 学习方法 要英文写的 A good way to study Everyone wants to study more ,faster.Personally,I have some tips. First,develop the interest to study.Interest is the best teacher.Interest is the stong energy .A student who is very interested in study will spend much time on what he is learning,and the final goal is more likely better.However,interest isn't naturally present at birth.we need to develop it. Second.practise makes perfect.we should study hard like the farmers.If we can have more reading,more writing ,more thinking,the brilliant end will come to us. Third,keep a stiff upper lip,don't slack off in your work.Knowledge is infinite sometimes uses a comma, but never a full stop.Maybe we'll meet difficulty,but as we know,no pains ,no gains. To do so,I hope you a good result. A good way to study Everyone wants to study more ,faster.Personally,I have some tips. First,develop the interest to study.Interest is the best teacher.Interest is the stong energy .A student who is very interested in study will spend much time on what he is learning,and the final goal is more likely better.However,interest isn't naturally present at birth.we need to develop it.Contact the subject with our hobby,we'll find it easier to accept it.For instance,if you like music and not fond of English,you can try to listen to English song,that'a a funny progress. Second.we need take scientific measures.Take having Chinese lesson for example,we shall prepare for what we will learn,to have a general view of it and keep the problems we meet in mind.When the teachers have class,we should pay more attention to them.Catch the key knowledge and take notes.If so,our ability to understand will be higher.What's more, we'd better review the testbook and finish the homework on time.If there is still something we don't understand, ask our teachers and don't be shy.Surely they will happy for your question. Third .practise makes perfect.we should study hard like the farmers.Farmers have annual plant seasons,they grow wheat from april to winter.so does study.Study needs be circlely strenthened.After day and night ,the memory and our ability will welcome a harvest.Of course,the practice also include life use.So method and practice in life should go hand in hand. If we can have more reading,more writing ,more thinking,the brilliant end will come to us. Third,keep a stiff upper lip,don't slack off in your work.Knowledge is infinite sometimes uses a comma, but never a full stop.Maybe we'll meet difficulty,but as we know,no pains ,no gains.When we feel tired,we'd better have a little rest and don't always stick to one subject,change the course is better. Just do it. I hope you a good result. 最后个third 改成Forth哈 , 辛辛苦苦写滴 。