
1. 四个季节写一篇英语作文 There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,sunmmer,autumn and winter.The spring is warm.The flowers glow.The butterflies fly.The summer is very hot.The sun is shininng.The autumn is cool.The wind blow and blow.The winter is cold.The snow falling 。
2. 四个季节用英语怎么拼 spring summer autumn winter 。
spring 英[spr??] 美[spr??] n. 春季; 泉水 , 小溪; 弹簧 , 弹性; 跳跃; vi. 跳 , 跃; 突然发出或出现; 发源; 劈开 , 裂开; vt. 突然跳出; 跳过; 使开裂; [例句]The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring西澳大利亚工党政府明年春天要举行选举 。summer 英[?s?m?(r)] 美[?s?m?] n. 夏 , 夏天; 全盛时期 , 黄金时代 , 壮年时期; [建] 大梁 , 檀条 , 楣 , 柱顶石; 岁数; adj. 夏季的; v. 度过夏季 , 避暑; 使度过夏季 , 夏季放牧(家畜); [例句]I escaped the heatwave in London earlier this summer and flew to Cork今年初夏我逃离了伦敦的炎热 , 飞往科克去避暑 。
autumn 英[??:t?m] 美[??t?m] n. 秋; 秋天; 成熟期; 渐衰期; adj. 秋天的; 秋季的; [例句]We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.每年秋天 , 我们这里总是黄蜂成灾 。winter 英[?w?nt?(r)] 美[?w?nt?] n. 冬 , 冬天; 年岁; 萧条期 , 衰落期; v. 过冬; 冬季饲养(家畜); 使受冻 , 使萎缩; adj. 冬天的 , 冬季的; 越冬的; 冬播的; [例句]In winter the nights are long and cold.冬夜漫长而寒冷 。
3. 一年有四个季节用英语怎么说而且是语音 一年中的四个季节英语如下:
1、spring英 [spr??] 美 [spr??]
n.春季;泉水 , 小溪;弹簧 , 弹性;跳跃
vi.跳 , 跃;突然发出或出现;发源;劈开 , 裂开
adj.春天的;弹簧的 , 有弹性的
2、summer英 [?s?m?(r)] 美 [?s?m?]
n.夏 , 夏天;全盛时期 , 黄金时代 , 壮年时期;[建]大梁 , 檀条 , 楣 , 柱顶石;岁数
v.度过夏季 , 避暑;使度过夏季 , 夏季放牧(家畜)
3、autumn英 [??:t?m] 美 [??t?m]
4、winter英 [?w?nt?(r)] 美 [?w?nt?]
n.冬 , 冬天;年岁;萧条期 , 衰落期
v.过冬;冬季饲养(家畜);使受冻 , 使萎缩
adj.冬天的 , 冬季的;越冬的;冬播的
4. 四个季节写一篇英语作文 There are four seasons in a year.
They are spring,sunmmer,autumn and winter.
The spring is warm.The flowers glow.The butterflies fly.
The summer is very hot.The sun is shininng.
The autumn is cool.The wind blow and blow.
The winter is cold.The snow falling.
5. 四个季节英语作文 Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot.The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont.In spring, I can wear my shirts . I often plant trees and go hiking . So I like spring very much . Of course , I like the Spring Festival , too.(【中文参考】春天是四季中的第一个季节 。
春天有三个月 , 分别是:三月、四月、五月 , 天气则是温暖与微风 , 同同时多雨 。树木茂盛、花草盛开 。
在春天 , 我们可以穿衬衫 。我经常植树和远行 , 所以我十分喜欢春天 。