
1. 在的英文单词怎么写 在
exist; be living;stay; remain
1. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.
不管你生活在哪里 , 你有多少岁 , 总有新东西要学习 , 毕竟 , 生活总是充满惊喜 。
2. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.
友情是理解 , 不是妥协;是原谅 , 不是遗忘 。即使不联系 , 感情依然在 。
3. The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.
《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒 , 以作为一种补赎 。
【好像单词怎么写】4. It was just then that I chanced to look round.
就在那时 , 我恰好环顾了下四周 。
5. The unevenly matched armies met at Guilford on 15 March 1781.
1781年3月15日 , 力量悬殊的两支队伍在吉尔福德狭路相逢 。
6. The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.
房子里似乎悄然无声 , 安静得好像已经没人在住一样 。
2. 和的英语单词怎么写 “和”的英文单词是“and” 。
英 [?nd] 美 [?nd ,  ?n , ?nd]
conj.和 , 与; 而且; 于是 , 然后; 因此
1.Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.
记住:保持乐观的心态 , 好事自然会发生 。
2.The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.
生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤 , 但到后来 , 那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强 。
3.For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?
我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄 , 再反过来笑他们 。
and so 因此;所以
and then 于是 , 然后
and so on 等等;诸如此类
and some 还有别的;还不止这些;比这个还要多  ,  [美国口语] 还有别的 , 还不止这些
and all 等等;的确;此外;连…一齐都
and now 那么;那么现在
and found [美国英语](工资以外)供给膳宿[亦作 all found]
and yet 可是 , 然而
in and out 进进出出;来来去去
and one's train 及其同类
and the like 等等;依次类推
and reason 这也是有道理的
and things [口语]等等之类
and vice versa 反之亦然;反过来也一样

