
1. 善 英文怎么写 形容词
1.(善良; 慈善) good
2.(良好) satisfactory; good
3.(友好; 和好) kind ; friendly
4.(熟悉) familiar
1.(办好;弄好) make a success of; perfect
2.(擅长; 长于) be good at; be expert [adept] in
3.(容易; 易于) be apt to
【善英文怎么写】1.(好好地) properly
1.(善行; 善事) good
2.(姓氏) a surname
2. 善用英文怎么说 The Chinese nation is a country with a strong sense of national honor. In our society, right and wrong, good and evil, not to confuse the boundaries of beauty and ugliness. Otherwise, do not stand up for social harmony, economic development, and do not pick up the national spirit, the countries do not stand up strong. Comrade Hu Jintao's "Eight-wing eight shame", a clear-cut stand that we should adhere to what the objection is to advocate what to boycott what should be every citizen shall have the values and code of conduct. For example, the love of the motherland, we will from the love of family, class, school, home and environmental start; serve the people, we should serve the parents, teachers, students and elders start; noble science, hard work from the study, work energetically Chengcai start; hard work, take the initiative to do so from the housework, cleaning the positive class, the school clean start; unity, mutual assistance, cooperation from the Institute, Institute of harmony, concern for students, always ready to help others start; honest and trustworthy, do not lie from a non - deceptive, not to falsify the word start; law, regulation should observe classes start school discipline; hard work, thrift from different comparisons to others, cherish every penny, every grain of food, each water, each start with a piece of paper. "Eight eight-rong shame" the fundamental what is it? I often think that when a person with "eight-eight-rong shame" to check on the more aware of their own; when a life of "shame of eight eight-wing" as a mirror, he can be with the world's greatest people shoulder to shoulder Gao Qi. Fresh from the shame of Bo Su叔齐week to face无颜XiangYu jiangdong the elders, from the shame for the Wen亡国奴to refuse relief food in the United States。
。countless clank Zhu characters who, in the interpretation of Chinese history moving large numbers of the deeds. Zhou Enlai and his life to serve the people, devoted, died. Qian, the father of Chinese missile, the United States said that he arrived in the three divisions, after the birth of new China, decided to return to their motherland. Li Siguang, when the findings of foreign experts in China has no oil, he said: "Science prove that China has rich oil reserves." Confucius, as early as 2,000 years ago on the education of his disciples to be honest. During the study, say, know know, I do not know the saying do not know. He believes that honesty and trustworthiness is the correct attitude towards learning. Lei Feng, a pair of socks, make up another meeting, but the families of comrades-in-arms of relief money.。
。批批of the outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, a flicker of an extraordinary and glorious name, each name represents a section of moving story. They are selfless, helping others, respect for the elderly尚贤32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333238653361without Mody dedication, moral publicity banner, erected a monument Block personality. The ancients said: "the people do not legislate ethics, political and non-German non-wai." Virtuous, is self-cultivation, is a civilization, is the cornerstone; without Germany, there is no letter is despicable, is out. These clear-cut examples tell us, whether it is the past, or in the future, "eight-eight-rong shame" is how the fundamental learning to be, a socially responsible and contribute to the motherland and the people of the people. Learning the "eight 8-rong shame", I feel ahead of China, not only to show the world the rich fruits of material civilization, and to show the world the spirit of our brand-new look. As the future and hope of the motherland, we should start from me, from the heart to start, start from now. Active pursuit of upward mobility in terms of ideology, to tell right from wrong; hard in learning to strive for excellence; thrift in their daily lives, saving water and electricity, not competition; enthusiasm in the workplace services for students, bold innovation; in action firmly opposed to the detriment of national image of ugly behavior, stressing civilization, courteous, observe discipline and abide by social morality, and school discipline regulations. Let us take action and to study scientific and cultural knowledge, a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Conscious of "eight-eight-rong shame" as a spiritual guide to the criteria and actions, to promote the socialist concept of honor and build a new trend of socialist ideology and ethics, in order to build a harmonious socialist society to contribute. 。