
1. 在故障状态英文怎么写 在故障状态
[词典] nonserviceable;
[例句]断路器合闸在故障状态上跳闸后,当合闸命令未消除时,防止断路器再次合闸 。
When circuit breaker on trip trips under accident state, when on trip order has not been eliminated, prevent circuit breaker from on trip again.
2. 电力网故障英文怎么写 电力网故障 翻译成英文是:malfunction of power network 双语例句: This is very meaningful for the reduction of malfunction of power network and the enhancement of the security and effectiveness of the operation of the power network. 这对减少电力网故障、提高电力网运行的安全性和有效性有着非常重要的意义 。
相关短语: power network 英[?pau? ?netw?:k] 美[?pa?? ?n?t?w?k] [词典] 电力网,供电网; [例句]This paper researches dispatching automation system of power network. 本文对电网调度自动化系统开展了研究工作 。
3. 机械故障的英文怎么说 机械故障 [词典] [化]mechanical breakdown; mechanical stoppage; mechanical failure; mechanical fault [例句] MethYls: This article classified the causes of mechanical failure, common fault and diagnostic methods. 对机械故障成因、常见故障及诊断方法进行整理,对其进行总结分类 。
4. 电力网故障英文怎么写 电力网故障
翻译成英文是:malfunction of power network
This is very meaningful for the reduction of malfunction of power network and the enhancement of the security and effectiveness of the operation of the power network.
这对减少电力网故障、提高电力网运行的安全性和有效性有着非常重要的意义 。
power network
英[?pau? ?netw?:k] 美[?pa?? ?n?t?w?k]
[词典] 电力网,供电网;
[例句]This paper researches dispatching automation system of power network.
本文对电网调度自动化系统开展了研究工作 。

