
1. 英语翻译:“破茧成蝶”用英文怎么说 这个词在不同的句子里可以有不同的翻译 。
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone,【the new has come】!
如果有人相信基督,他就是获得了新生 。摒陈弃旧,破茧成蝶 。
【Cocoon into butterfly】 years also is afoot.
破茧成蝶的岁月还在酝酿着 。
Trust yourself and hold the dreams and you should always know only after the painful struggles can 【a worn become a butterfly】.相信你自己,同时坚信你的梦想,因为你要明白破茧成蝶的意义 。
The stream of history will change for her? She could 【break a cocoon into thebutterflies】,and break the curse of the past for the happiness of this life?