
1. 电灯的英文怎么写 electric lamp 电灯 音标: 英 [i?lektrik l?mp] 美 [??l?ktr?k l?mp] 短语: 1、电灯插头 lamp plug; 2、电灯电流 lamp current; 3、电灯电路 lighting circuit; 4、电灯吊线 cord pendant; 5、电灯负载 lamp load 。
双语例句: 1.墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了 。The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused. 2.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了 。
The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused. 3.他啪的一声打开了门边墙上的电灯开关 。He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door. 4.电灯布线要安全稳妥 。
Lamps should be safely wired. 5.电灯把篮球场照得亮堂堂的 。Electric lights lit up the basket-ball ground. 6.夜里,珍珠般的电灯把街道映照得一片辉煌 。
At night, these streets are brilliant with pearly radiance of electricity. 7.电路的中断使电灯熄灭了 。A break in the circuit caused the lights to go out. 8.村里家家户户都装上了电灯 。
Electric lights have been installed in every house of the village. 9.我们用玻璃球和电灯来装饰圣诞树 。We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights. 10.她在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关 。
She fumbled in the dark for the light switch.。
2. 电灯的英文单词怎么写 “电灯”的英文单词: electric lamp. 短语: 1、电灯插头 lamp plug; 2、电灯电流 lamp current; 3、电灯电路 lighting circuit; 4、电灯吊线 cord pendant; 5、电灯负载 lamp load 。
例句: 1、电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来 。The radiance of electric lights radiates from the ceiling. 2、从抑郁中生出的自由过去是、现在也是像我脑中的一个被打开的电灯开关 。
Freedom from the depression was, and still is, like a light switch being turned on in my head. 3、在电灯给予的灵感下,检查员安装了一种电子设备来吸引那种昆虫 。Inspired by the lamp, the inspector installed an electrical installation to attract that kind of insect 。
3. 电灯的英文怎么写 electric lamp 电灯 音标: 英 [i?lektrik l?mp] 美 [??l?ktr?k l?mp]
1、电灯插头 lamp plug;
2、电灯电流 lamp current;
3、电灯电路 lighting circuit;
4、电灯吊线 cord pendant;
5、电灯负载 lamp load 。
1.墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了 。
The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused.
2.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了 。
The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused.
3.他啪的一声打开了门边墙上的电灯开关 。
He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door.
4.电灯布线要安全稳妥 。
Lamps should be safely wired.
5.电灯把篮球场照得亮堂堂的 。
Electric lights lit up the basket-ball ground.
6.夜里,珍珠般的电灯把街道映照得一片辉煌 。
At night, these streets are brilliant with pearly radiance of electricity.
7.电路的中断使电灯熄灭了 。
A break in the circuit caused the lights to go out.
8.村里家家户户都装上了电灯 。
Electric lights have been installed in every house of the village.
9.我们用玻璃球和电灯来装饰圣诞树 。
We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights.
10.她在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关 。
She fumbled in the dark for the light switch.
4. “电灯”用英语怎么说 电灯的英文:electric lamp、electric light
1、electric lamp
英文发音:[??lektr?k l?mp]
It is well known that Edison invented the electric lamp.