1. 成龙的英文怎么写 成龙真名:房仕龙、陈港生 chen是汉语拼音,而chan则更适合英美人士的发音习惯 。
成龙的英文名字就是Jacky Chen(注:成龙的原姓为“陈”),其实这里是有一个典故的,因为成龙曾经在Hollywood说过,我不叫Jacky Chen,我的名字就叫成龙,你们这些外国人能记住也好,记不住就把它背下来,我有我的名字,我的名字就叫成龙……
由于成龙在好莱乌的地位,所以外国也就改了自己的习惯,把他们叫随嘴的发音chan(也就是中国的姓氏“陈”),改成了具有中国特色的汉语拼音chen 成龙是华人演艺圈备受尊敬的大哥,直到香港导演张婉婷的纪录片《龙的深处:失落的拼图》揭露成龙不为人知的身世,大家才知道,原来,威风八面的成龙原名房仕龙,由于父亲身份的原因,不得已改姓陈 。于是,成龙才有了那个乡土气息极浓的名字———陈港生 。出道伊始,成龙把艺名改做陈元龙,后来改做成龙,寓意深远的名字给成龙不断创造事业高峰 房祖名 英文名:Jaycee 原名:陈祖明,成龙因为发现祖先原来是姓房,所以就让儿子该过来了成龙妻子 林凤娇
关于林凤娇 曾经红极一时
林凤娇曾是台湾影坛上与林青霞平分秋色的电影明星 。以一部《小城故事》夺得金马影后桂冠 。在林凤娇短暂的十余年银幕生涯中(1972~1982),她一共演过70余部影片,成为台湾一名不可多得的红影星 。
林凤娇是成龙与陈祖明之间的桥梁,也是这两个男人生命中最重要的女人 。为了成龙,林凤娇抛开大好的演艺事业,退出演艺圈 。1982年诞下房祖明更专心相夫教子,并甘愿忍受做“黑市夫人”,20多年来与丈夫聚少离多也无怨无悔,更不断忍受丈夫在外沾花惹草也毫无怨言,是典型的贤妻良母 。
2. 成龙的英文简介 Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7th, 1954. His parents, Charles and Lee-lee Chan named him Chan Kong-sang which means "born in Hong Kong." Jackie weighed 12 pounds when he was born and his mother required surgery to deliver him. Jackie's parents were so poor that they had to borrow money from friends to pay the doctor.
Although Jackie's parents were poor, they had steady jobs at the French embassy in Hong Kong. Charles was a cook and Lee-lee was a housekeeper. Together, the Chan family lived on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. When Jackie was young, his father would wake him early in the morning and together they would practice kung fu. Charles Chan believed that learning kung fu would help build Jackie's character, teaching him patience, strength, and courage.
Jackie's lifelong devotion to fitness has served him well as he continues to do stunt work and action sequences in his films. In recent years, Jackie's focus has shifted and he is trying new genres of film – fantasy, drama, romance – and is spending more and more time on his charity work. He takes his work as Ambassador for UNICEF/UNAIDS very seriously and spends all his spare time working tirelessly for children, the elderly, and those in need. He continues to make films in Hong Kong, including the blockbuster drama New Police Story in 2004. Jackie has been married to Lin Feng-Jiao since 1982 and has a son, actor-singer Jaycee Chan. To learn more about Jackie you can read his biography, I Am Jackie Chan.
3. 成龙的英文名字叫什么 姓名: 成龙 英文:Jackie Chen 本名:陈港生、房仕龙 艺名:陈元龙 出生:香港 籍贯:山东临淄 生日:1954年4月7日 生肖:马 星座:白羊座 血型:AB 百米成绩:11.8s 身高: 1.74m 体重: 63公斤 嗜好:汽车,缓步跑 最喜欢明星:没有特别喜欢 最喜欢食物:鱼翅 最认可的动作女星:杨紫琼 最喜欢演员:查理卓别林 周同攀 最喜欢颜色:白、杏 婚姻:已婚,有一子 公司:滚石唱片,嘉禾电影 英文自传:《我是成龙》 和影片自传《成龙-我的特技》 。
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