
The Lingnan cultural heritage has a long history, embodies the spiritual pursuit and national feelings of the Cantonese people, which plays an important role in the development of Chinese civilization.
岭南文化遗产源远流长 , 凝聚了广东人的精神追求和民族情怀 , 对发展中华文明具有重要作用 。


In recent years, Guangdong has actively passed on Lingnan’s unique culture and strengthened the activation and utilization of Lingnan cultural heritage. Great achievements have beenmadeby opening museums and memorials to the public, developing tourist attractions and establishing educational bases, etc.
近年来 , 广东对传承岭南特色文化 , 加强岭南文化遗产的活化利用 , 比如:对外开放博物馆纪念馆;开发成旅游景区;建立教育基地等都取得了丰硕成果 。 点击查看原文>>>


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来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吕航