
1. 用英语写一篇给网店店主得投诉信 Hello owner
【店主用英语怎么写】i was a little guy who bought ur stuff,before I bought you something.In fact, my heart is very looking forward to,But in the end, your product and I'm really disappointed,I feel that if I trust you, you have to be worthy of my trust,But you just fucking let me down!!!
Nerver see
dear owner
2. 商人用英语怎么读 商人的英语:merchant,读音:[?m?:t??nt]merchant英 [?m?:t??nt] 美 [?m?:rt??nt] n.商人;店主;批发商;零售商 。
adj.商人的;商业的 。merchant的用法示例如下:1.He returned to his motherland that year, disguised as a merchant. 那年他扮作商人回到了祖国 。
2.I was taken in by a snide merchant. 我上了一个卑鄙商人的当3.As a merchant, he was a man of the world--he had seen it all. 他是一个见多识广的商人 。4.Leave me be, merchant. I'll trade with you later. 走开,商人 。
过一会儿我再和你交易 。扩展资料:merchant的复数形式:merchants 。
merchants英 ['m?:t??nts] 美 ['m?:t??nts] n.商人( merchant的名词复数 );(某活动的)爱好者,热中于…的人 。merchant的记忆技巧:merch 商业,交易 + ant 表人 → 商人 。
merchant,businessman,trader这些名词均有“商人”之意 。辨析如下:1.merchant指从事批发生意的大商人,尤指从事国际贸易的大商人,但在美国或苏格兰等地,也指一般商人 。
2.businessman指有经验、善于经营、从事各种买卖活动的买卖人、实业家或工商业家 。3.trader指从事贸易工作的人,也指贩子 。

