
1.神奇宝贝的英文简写是什么神奇宝贝的简写是:pokemon 。
精灵宝可梦、口袋妖怪和宠物小精灵都是pocket monster(简称:pokemon)的各种翻译,其中“宠物小精灵”是传至香港和大陆的最先名字(“神奇宝贝”也是这个时候来的) 。
《口袋妖怪》名称(Pokémon ポケモン)是来源于日文罗马字的缩写:“Pocket Monsters” (ポケットモンスター,Poketto Monsutā) 。
“口袋妖怪”这个名字应该是源自早年的《电子游戏软件》,当时是一位行内的前辈把“口袋里的妖怪”命名为“口袋妖怪”了,较早期的纸质攻略用的是《妖怪口袋(红)》这个名字,叫着叫着就叫成了“口袋妖怪” 。之后,《口袋妖怪》这个译名也在玩家当中逐渐普及开来 。
自三只不同的初学者宝可梦中进行选择自己冒险旅伴的玩法,贯穿了从Game Boy游戏《精灵宝可梦红·绿》到任天堂3DS游戏《精灵宝可梦究极日月》间的绝大多数精灵宝可梦系列游戏 。玩家可以选择草系、火系或者水系的宝可梦,各个地区有所不同 。
例如在《精灵宝可梦火红·叶绿》中,玩家可以选择妙蛙种子、杰尼龟和小火龙 。例外则存在于《精灵宝可梦黄》中,玩家被赠予了电系的老鼠宝可梦,系列的吉祥物皮卡丘;游戏中红绿版的三只初学者宝可梦均可在游戏过程中单机获得 。
另一个长效的玩法是玩家的劲敌总会选择属性上克制玩家的初学者宝可梦 。例如,若玩家选择了火系的小火龙,劲敌就会选择水系的杰尼龟 。
由于仅能使用一般系技能攻击而无法利用属性弱点作战,这一选择并不影响二人的初次战斗 。例外同样发生于《精灵宝可梦黄》,劲敌选择了一只普通系的宝可梦伊布 。
然而,在《精灵宝可梦黑·白》中出现了两位劲敌,两人会分别选择属性上克制主角和被主角克制的初学者宝可梦 。
在《精灵宝可梦钻石·珍珠》和《精灵宝可梦白金》中,同样有一位训练家选择了属性被主角克制的初学者宝可梦,但并不会与主角战斗——他会在特定的对战中作为主角的双打搭档登场 。
《精灵宝可梦XY》的情况相似,但游戏设定了四位劲敌 。其中的两位与黑白版中的选择情况类似,其余的两位劲敌则拥有截然不同的宝可梦 。
2.求关于托蒂、伊布、托尼、罗马里奥的美文(要英文版的)真的好难找啊! 贴8上球迷写给TOTTI的信 Dear Totti sir: How are you! I'm one of your fans.It seems to me that you are a very outstanding footballer.You must have experienced many things in this field but you are still there,being on your feet. Do you know there is a boy in orient China who is worried for your injury,suffered for your failure.crazy for your triumph and your every interception and shoot? All I want to say that whatever happened,please be strong and walk in.you feel blue just because you walk with your back to the sun,and you will embrace all the brilliance when you turn around.You can see a whole new world in a grain of sand,find a heaven in a flower,and feel warm in your palm.I hope these words can encourage you to conquer every peak you have to face in the future. ~CHINA~----China is a big country.There are so many delicious foods and beautiful landscapes(but I still wanna say there are much more fans of yours here!!!).I hope you can come to China one day.Iwanna shake with you,hug you,or even just gaze at you,and that would make me excited. To become your friends is my dream,and I hope it can come true.Can you meet the requirement? Don't forget what Chinese fans expect of you.We trust you. Your fans are longing for you reply and signature if you don't mind. You're the best player in my heart,anytime,anywhere! best wishes for you! Your fans 伊布的意甲奥斯卡: He's the greatest of them all in his country. As widely expected, Zlatan Ibrahimovic won the Guldbollen (Golden Ball) last night to become the first ever player to win the Swedish Footballer of the Year award three times. Henrik Larsson, Fredrik Ljungberg and Patrik Andersson had each won it twice, but there had never been a hat-trick before last night. MAKING HISTORY - The winner of the Guldbollen is chosen by Aftonbladet, Sweden's main daily newspaper, and the Swedish Football Association. The jury voted unanimously for Ibrahimovic, who carried off the award in 2005 and 2007. "Now it feels like I have written myself into the history books," said Zlatan. "Some fantastic players, legends of Swedish football won it before me, and I arrive from Roseng?rd (the ghetto area of Malmoe where Ibra grew up playing football in the streets) and I win three times 。