
1. 巧克力的英文单词怎么写 chocolate
AHD:[ch?“k…-l1t, ch?k“l1t, ch?k“-]
D.J.[6t.%8k*lit, 6t.%8klit, 6t.%k-]
K.K.[6t.%k*l!t, 6t.%kl!t, 6t.$k-]
Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.
A beverage made by mixing water or milk with chocolate.
A small, chocolate-covered candy with a hard or soft center.
Color A grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown.
【色彩】 巧克力色:一种从灰色到深红棕色到深灰褐色之间的颜色
Made or flavored with chocolate:
chocolate pudding.
Color Of a grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown.
【色彩】 灰色到深红棕色到深灰褐色之间的
2. 有关为什么喜欢巧克力的英文作文大全 为什么喜欢巧克力
因为,万事万物,服用了,食用了多,都有可能产生反效果,这是真的 。不好意思,我也是个巧克力爱好者,但是,我每天的食用两到三颗,绝不会再多,不会超过5粒 。巧克力中,若说对身体好的,那是属黑巧克力,不过,不巧的是,我喜欢牛奶巧克力,还有白巧克力 。(我个人不太喜欢过于甜腻的巧克力,我喜欢不是特别甜的巧克力 。)曾经服务与咖啡店,外国人最最喜欢的是,坐下来,在咖啡店,点上数个巧克力,一杯咖啡,一圈下来,最起卖吃掉个2,3百块钱,不好意思,我这个人有点俗,又要俗套了 。回到正题,随后,他们真的觉得自己很享受,数个小时,2,3个小时,一边唆一口咖啡,一边配数块巧克力,几乎尝遍了我们这里的所有巧克力 。很享受的品味着,并且看着自己手中的小说书,悠闲自得,颐养天年 。论喜欢巧克力,第一,我喜欢甜食 。第二,我是个小资的人 。第三,我是个喜享受生活的人 。可以表达的就那么多,限于口才笨拙,文章叙述到此为止 。
Why do you like chocolate
Because everything, taking, eating more, are likely to have the opposite effect, that is true. I am sorry, I am also a chocolate lover, but I take two to three a day, never more, not more than five. Chocolate, if that good for the body, it is the case of dark chocolate, but, unfortunately, I like milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Have served with the coffee shop, like most foreigners is to sit down at a coffee shop, a number of points on chocolate, cup of coffee, a lap down, the most since eaten sell a 2,3 100 dollars, sorry, I am the person a little vulgar, but also cliche. Back to the topic, and then, they really feel that they are enjoying a few hours, 2,3 hours, while instigate sip coffee, while with several pieces of chocolate, tasted almost all the chocolate we have here. Enjoyed the taste, and looked at his hands fiction book, leisurely, enjoying their later years. On like chocolate, first, I love sweets. Secondly, I am a petty person. Third, I am fond of people who enjoy life. You can express it so much, limited eloquence clumsy narrative articles so far.
3. 表达爱的英文缩写有哪些 DOVE德芙(巧克力)的缩写=do you love me
holland 荷兰=hope our love last and never die
marlboro 万宝路香烟=Men Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only
德芙巧克力表达“爱是恒久忍耐”; 德芙=DOVE,其中D=DO,O=YOU,V=LOVE,E=ME 。连起来是 DO YOU LOVE ME 。dove的中文是鸽子,因此还有和平的含义 。中文 德芙谐音“得福”即得到幸福 。