
1. 我有一个梦想做老师英文作文加翻译 There are many different jobs in our daily life.
I would like to be a techer because i like children very much and i like teach children Enlish.(chinese maths 都行)
My parents are teacher,too.
A teacher usually works in the school.
i think that iob is so cool.
i think i can be a good teacher.
I Want to be A Teacher
I want to be a teacher because I think that becoming a teacher is very proud.When I was young,my mother told me that teacher is one of the most important job in the world.Since then,I study harder than before.I found that not all the students are love their teachers,but the teachers love all their student.So I found that teacher is a fishless job.
Since I was a little boy/girl,I had a dream deep in my mind which is to become a teacher in the future,and I have several reasons for that.
First of all,teacher is the career which is called the engineer of human's spirit.I'd like to spend the rest of my life to help more people realizing themselves as well as following the steps of our ancestors,in morallity and in technics.
2. 关于‘如何做个好老师’的英文作文 When I was a child,my ideal was to be a teacher. Now I am pround of I have became a teacher,however,I also have to face many difficulties. And the most crucial is that how to be a good teacher. After careful consideration ,I Hold the opinion that to be a good teacher shuold have the following condition. Firstly,Teacher is the example of the students ,so a good teacher should make herself observe the rules that school had established.Only you just do that ,the students would like to follow you . The second,to be a good teacher should no only work with the brightest students,but also put their effort into helping those who have difficulty coping. thirdly,a good teacher should koow that their job is not just to impart knowledge, they should understand that teaching is more that just instructing. Good teacher inspire in their students a love for learning through their enthusiasm and passion for their subject ,and through their own efforts to continually develop new skills and embrace new ideas in order to bring a fresh perspective to every lesson. Above all else, a good teacher should make his every student feel that he is a winner, they have faith in their students' abilities,and believethat every child has the potential to be anything he wants to be, encourage them to dream ,and show them how to pursue those dreams. 2 。
I have been an English teacher in middle schools for several years, and I know that it is not easy to be a good teacher, because a good teacher is required to have many qualities as follows. Firstly, a good teacher must have a good personal quality such as being patient to tolerate the students who have made some mistakes, showing enthusiasm in class, being humorous, having a quick response to the immediate emergency, being open-minded, etc. Probably, the teachers with these personal qualities will attract students and be liked by them. Secondly, a good teacher should have the teaching faculty. In order to have this capability, a teacher should acquire enough knowledge. On the one hand, he should acquire the wide knowledge of philosophy, psychology, education (how to teach), culture, history, geography, etc. On the other hand, he must master much deeper theories in his research field. Apart from this knowledge, an English teacher should possess the necessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, among which speaking is of paramount importance. In addition, a good English teacher may have the means to activate his class and give students the opportunities to practice English. Only in this way students can use English and improve their communicative competence. Thirdly, a good teacher should have the awareness of learning. We are in an information age, and the knowledge is changing quickly. If a teacher doesn't charge himself from time to time, his theory may be out of date, and he may not keep the pace with development of our society. At present, a teacher is required not only to know how to teach, but also to do research in his field. So, he should update his theory and know the newest one in the world. Finally, a good teacher should have moral quality, that is to say, a good teacher should be a model and set a good example to his students and others. A good teacher will be a good citizen, for example, complying with the laws of our country and the rules of the school, offering seats on the bus, helping others, and so on. For a good teacher the most important moral is to love students and to love the course of teaching. As long as he has the innate love for his profession, he may has enormous zest for his students, and become an excellent teacher. With reference to the above aspects, manifestly, I am not a good teacher. But fortunately, I am trying my best to reach the goal. 。