
1.我最爱的人用英语怎么说呢我最爱的人用英语为the person I love most
我最爱的人是我的父亲 。
1、My favourite person is my father.
在出国前 , 男孩对女孩说:“我不太会讲话 , 但我知道我最爱的人是你 。
2、Before going abroad, boys to girls said: "I can't talk, but I knew I loved you.
在这一刻 , 跟我62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333365653236最爱的人在一起 , 做着自己喜欢做的事情 , 然后把这种开心的感觉记录下来 , 我觉得人生很美好 。
3、I guess life doesn't get much better than this. Being with the man I love, doing the things we love, and writing about it.
4、I've been wronged by the best.
我最爱的人是我妈 , 我会帮她盖好被子 , 自己回房间睡觉 。
5、I love my Mummy, I will help her quilt cover, their own room to sleep.
6、Don't you know you are my favorite person?
他是世上我最爱的人 , 我爱他胜过我自己!
7、I love him more than anyone else in the world, more than myself!
失去的虽然是我最爱的人 , 但是 , 我同时也获得重生的生活 , 重生一个去爱别人的机会 。
8、Although I lost my favorite person, but at the same time I was living the life, a life to love others.
我认为是我最爱的人 。
9、I think my family members are the most beloved ones.
再见了 , 我最爱的人 。让我再看你一眼 。
10、You owe me a hug. And I owe you one, too.
2.一篇英语作文,我最爱的人My favorite love person-my mother)
My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother. She has medium height .and beautiful face. She is a generous, good natured and warm-hearted woman. She looks like actor Wang Tang Feng.
My mother has retired now. She lives on pension/social welfare and lives with us. She is good at cooking, often treat us lavish dinner, consisting of different dishes form various provinces. I like eat my mother dishes very much.
She likes watch TV. My mother and I like to visit relatives together. Sometimes we go shopping together.
When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don't matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best and keep going”.
East, West, Home is the best. I wish my mother has a happy life every day. I love my mother. It is a Chinese tradition to respect the children and support the elderly.
3.写一篇我最爱的人,,英语作文150词,大学水平LOVE FROM BEHIND THE WINDOW
I have been constantly considering that the father's love is the most generous in the world.Maybe it's not as gentle as mother's love,but we greatly benefit from it to some degree.Fortunately,my father is just like that.
My father has a big nose and thick lips.However,his eyes are small,but it couldn't resist shining as it is talking to you.Especially when he told me stories presented with vivid gestures and in humorous tones.That time is so wonderful! What I appreciate most is the tremendous freedom given by him.He showed me to various kinds of activities.Then I become interested in playing the game of go,chess,dancing,drawing and so on.However,freedom doesn't mean spoiling.He often tells me that if you have the courage to tell lies,you must have the courage to face the consequences.Maybe I was never aware of that until the unforgettable night. When I was in junior high school,I was absorbed in computer games
heavily.Lacking in self control,I often got out of bed at midnight and then played the computer games.After several nights,it seems that neither my father or my mother found this.One day at breakfast,my father coughed.When I asked what's wrong with him,he just looked deep in my eye and said nothing.On that night,I played the computer games as before.When I turn my head unconsciously,suddenly I saw a figure behind the window,which is combined with a balcony.I couldn't believe that!My father!How long or how many days had he stood here? I turned off the computer silently and go to the bed.With my eyes open,I could clearly hear the sound of coughing,which made me feel more suffering than he punished me!