
1.“圆明园”英语怎么说“圆明园”英语“Old Summer Palace”
圆明园又称圆明三园 , 是清代一座大型皇家宫苑 , 它坐落在北京西北郊 , 与颐和园毗邻 , 由圆明园、长春园和绮春园组成 , 所以也叫圆明三园 。此外 , 还有许多小园 , 分布在东、西、南三面 , 众星拱月般环绕周围 。
园林面积350多公顷 , 建筑面积达20万平方米 , 一百五十余景 , 有“万园之园”之称 。清帝每到盛夏就来到这里避暑、听政 , 处理军政事务 , 因此也称“夏宫” 。
圆明园占地350多公顷 , 其中水面面积约140公顷 , 圆明园的陆上建筑面积比故宫还多一万平方米 , 水域面积又等于一个颐和园 , 总面积等于8.5个紫禁城 。
圆明园还有个显著特点 , 就是大量仿建了中国各地特别是江南的许多名园胜景 。乾隆皇帝弘历曾经六次南巡江浙 , 多次西巡五台 , 东巡岱岳 , 巡游热河、盛京(即沈阳)和盘山等地 。每至一地 , 凡他所中意的名山胜水、名园胜景 , 就让随行画师摹绘成图 , 回京后在园内仿建 。
据不完全统计 , 圆明园的园林风景 , 有直接摹本的不下四五十处 。杭州西湖十景 , 连名称也一字不改地在园内全部仿建 。正所谓:谁道江南风景佳 , 移天缩地在君怀 。
圆明园的西峰秀色 , 是雍正、乾隆二帝每于七月初七 , 设七夕巧筵的地方 。这里可远借西山景色 , 河西岸有一组叠山 , 松峦峻峙 , 山涧之中瀑布飞流急下 。在此近观仰视有如庐山的峻峙气势 , 取名叫“小匡庐” 。
2.圆明园介绍 英语 加上中文翻译圆明园位于北京市西郊 , 海淀区东部 。
原为清代一座大型皇家御苑 , 占地约5200亩 , 平面布局呈倒置的品字形 , 圆明园由圆明、长春、绮春三园组成 , 总面积达350公顷 。它的陆上建筑面积和故宫一样大 , 水域面积又等于一个颐和园 。
圆明园汇集了当时江南若干名园胜景的特点 , 融中国古代造园艺术之精华 , 以园中之园的艺术手法 , 将诗情画意融化于千变万化的景象之中 。圆明园的南部为朝廷区 , 是皇帝处理公务之所 。
其余地区则分布着40个景区 , 其中有50多处景点直接模仿外地的名园胜景 , 如杭州西湖十景 , 不仅模仿建筑 , 连名字也照搬过来 。更有趣的是 , 圆明园中还建有西式园林景区 。
最有名的“观水法” , 是一座西洋喷泉 , 还有万花阵迷宫以及西洋楼等 , 都具有意大利文艺复兴时期的风格 。在湖水中还有一个威尼斯城模型 , 皇帝坐在岸边山上便可欣赏万里之外的“水城风光” 。
圆明园是一座珍宝馆 , 里面藏有名人字画、秘府典籍、钟鼎宝器、金银珠宝等稀世文物 , 集中了古代文化的精华 。圆明园也是一座异木奇花之园 , 名贵花木多达数百万株 。
完整目睹过圆明园的西方人把她称为“万园之园” 。的确 , 如果今天还和140年前一样 , 这座超巨型园林就是当之无愧的“世界园林之王”了 。
遗憾的是 , 1860年英法联军和1900年八国联军两次洗劫圆明园 , 园中的建筑被烧毁 , 文物被劫掠 , 奇迹和神话般的圆明园变成一片废墟 , 只剩断垣残壁 , 供人凭吊 。Located in the west, haidian district yuanmingyuan eastern. A large YuYuan originally qing imperial, covers an area of about 5,200 mu, layout is tasted, the figure of Ming, changchun yuanmingyuan garden spring, three components, redtown 35 hectares.It's land area and as big as palace building, water area and is a palace. Yuanmingyuan collected at some wonderful characteristics of jiangnan gardens, ancient Chinese gardening art with the essence of the garden, the garden of arts, poetic melt in the scene of les.Yuanmingyuan imperial court for the southern district, is the emperor of official processing. While the rest of the 40 scenic spot, which has more than 50 sights directly from imitating, such as hangzhou west lake scenery gardens landscape architecture, only ten imitation, also copy. More interesting is, was built in the western garden yuanmingyuan scenic spot. The most famous "wonder," is a western fountain, and spend array labyrinth and circle million, with Italian Renaissance style. In the lake in a city model, the emperor sit can appreciate the mountain scenery outside the wall "watertowns".Summer is a ZhenBaoGuan, the celebrity calligraphy and painting, BiFu classics, ZhongDing vessels of gold and silver jewelry, on rare relics of ancient cultural essence. But also a rare wood flowers, rare flowers in the garden millions of plants. Complete the westerners witnessed yuanmingyuan garden she called "million."Indeed, if today, and 140 years ago this ChaoJuXing garden is worthy of "the world" king of garden. Unfortunately, 1860 by the anglo-french allied forces in 1900 and coalition of garden yuanmingyuan, two looted and burned building relics were looted, miracle and mythological yuanmingyuan into ruins, only for people, deep dilapidated building. 。