
1.红豆 英文翻译 中英文都要写【英语红豆怎么写】红豆 王菲 中英对照 还没好好的感受 雪花绽放的气候 我们一起颤抖 会更明白什么是温柔 Not until we embrace the wintry weather with snowflakes dancing and our bodies shuddering will we feel our throbbing hearts and the tenderness beneath. 还没跟你牵著手 走过荒芜的沙丘 可能从此以后学会珍惜 天长和地久 Not until we walk through the desolate dune with my hand circled by your fingers can we keep our flame kindled and never let it die. 有时候有时候 我会相信一切有尽头 相聚离开都有时候 没有什么会永垂不朽 Sometimes I believe an end comes at a time time for company and time for departure. There is a time for omega just as there is a time for alpha. 可是我有时候 宁愿选择留恋不放手 等到风景都看透 也许你会陪我看细水长流 However, sometimes I prefer to be a nostalgist who awaits your escort to see the water trickling after your return from a kaleidoscope of sights. 还没为你把红豆 熬成缠绵的伤口 然后一起分享 会更明白相思的哀愁 Not until I decoct and share with you the red beans which have been ground incessantly the way our heart is will we taste the sorrow of two lovelorn people who are down, but not out. 还没好好的感受 醒著亲吻的温柔 可能在我左右 你才追求孤独的自由 Not until we are bathed in the rain of kisses when we are awakened by the beam of sunlight can you pursue the freedom of solitude with me by your side. 有时候有时候 我会相信一切有尽头 相聚离开都有时候 没有什么会永垂不朽 Sometimes I believe an end comes at a time time for company and time for departure. There is a time for omega just as there is a time for alpha. 可是我有时候 宁愿选择留恋不放手 等到风景都看透 也许你会陪我看细水长流 However, sometimes I prefer to be a nostalgist who awaits your escort红豆 ormosiajumble beadsazuki bean3种红豆(学名:Vigna angularis)是豆科植物,为常见的食材之一 。
亦被称为赤豆 。常用来赠送亲友,以寄怀念之情,自古以来都把红豆作为情爱相思的象征之物希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O。
2.红豆的英文是什么红豆即海红豆(学名:Adenanthera pavonina Linn. var. microsperma)豆科海红豆属,乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆,圆锥花序,花白色,荚果扁平,种子鲜红色,心材暗褐色,质坚而耐腐,可为支柱、船舶、建筑用材和箱板;种子鲜红色而光亮,甚为美丽,可作装饰品 。
红豆的英语释义:Ormosia hosiei; jumby bean; bean tree; (红豆树的种子,象征相思) love pea ;红豆的英语例句:在过去的几个月中,红豆的销量急剧下降 。The sale of red bean fall off considerably in the past few months.红豆生南国 。
Red berries grow in southern land.艾丽斯喜爱没有红豆的甜味粽子 。Alice loves the sweet ones without red beans.还没为你把红豆熬成缠绵的伤口 。
If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.我们使红豆布丁蛋糕,吃新鲜出炉的月饼 。We make red bean pudding cakes and eat freshly baked moon cakes 。
3.英文翻译《红豆》首先申明一下,不是我翻译的! 你可以参考一下 。
来源于:Hobielover/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=95931还没好好的感受 雪花绽放的气候I still haven't had a good experience. In a climate of blooming snowflakes,*我们一起颤抖 会更明白 什麽是温柔Shivering together, we'll learn what tenderness is.还没跟你牵著手 走过荒芜的沙丘I'm still not holding your hand, walking across barren dunes.可能从此以后 学会珍惜 天长和地久Maybe from now on, we can learn to cherish eternity.有时候 有时候 我会相信一切有尽头There are times, there are times when I can believe there's an end to it all,相聚离开 都有时候 没有什麽会永垂不朽We meet, we part, everything has a time, there's nothing immortal,可是我有时候 宁愿选择留恋不放手But I have times when I'd rather choose to never depart,等到风景都看透 也许你会陪我看细水长流To wait until I've seen all of the scenery. Maybe you'll accompany me in persevering.还没为你把红豆 熬成缠绵的伤口I still haven't boiled red beans into the wound of sentiment for you然后一起分享 会更明白 相思的哀愁And then shared it with you so we can understand the sadness of lovesickness.还没好好地感受 醒著亲吻的温柔I still haven't fully experienced the tenderness of an awakening kiss.可能在我左右 你才追求 孤独的自由Maybe you only search for the liberty of loneliness around me.有时候 有时候 我会相信一切有尽头There are times, there are times when I can believe there's an end to it all,相聚离开 都有时候 没有什麽会永垂不朽We meet, we part, everything has a time, there's nothing immortal,可是我有时候 宁愿选择留恋不放手But I have times when I'd rather choose to never depart,等到风景都看透 也许你会陪我看细水长流To wait until I've seen all of the scenery. Maybe you'll accompany me in persevering.有时候 有时候 我会相信一切有尽头There are times, there are times when I can believe there's an end to it all,相聚离开 都有时候 没有什麽会永垂不朽We meet, we part, everything has a time, there's nothing immortal,可是我有时候 宁愿选择留恋不放手But I have times when I'd rather choose to never depart,等到风景都看透 也许你会陪我看细水长流To wait until I've seen all of the scenery. Maybe you'll accompany me in persevering. 。