
1.我的目标 英文作文I have full confidence in my goal of writing, should do. I do not know what year and what month, I understand that I was too naive, and today also, I'm just a spark, but also presumptuous claim to flame before the sun. But also to challenge it. Year, which month do not. I found that I was sleepwalking will urge in the state. Go rampant chaos in the streets, when I discovered that after the. I have been eager, kept trained on one day, the good Samaritan, you can wake me from a dream, or hit the bruised, badly beaten in the wake. Of course, up to now has been the aimless walk in the street. That is no finish line to walk. Maybe that year that month, I wake up. Go there once walked the streets, saw a look without a trace the long road, late at night where the desolate, there is no trace of my walk. During the day, go there. To see a side length of eight-meter square signs fall down. You know what? ? ? Crushed to death four people, wounding five people. His son had just received a 3 because of the University of Deng Xiaoping admission notice. Going to buy something. Preparing for tomorrow left. Unfortunately, two of which are Ph.D. Hafer managers, three Tsinghua University, Beijing University graduate student, three students, one was about to attend university. You see in this world and my shelter purposes? I can do? ? Goal is like the compass, I lost it in the forest. My life would have lost in that forest! 我曾信心满满的写下我的目标,要如何如何 。
不知何年何月,我明白是我太天真了,今天也是,我只是星星之火,还自不量力的在太阳面前自称圣火 。而且要挑战它 。
不何年何月 。我发现,我正嘱于梦游的状态中 。
在大街乱走乱窜,当我发现之后 。我一直渴望着那一天,那位好心人,可以把我从梦中唤醒,或是撞到伤痕累累、头破血流的醒来 。
当然到现在一直是无目标的在街上走着 。那是无终点地走着 。
或许那年那月,我醒来 。到那曾经走过的大街上,看到一望无迹长长的大路,深夜那儿冷冷清清,毫无我走过的痕迹 。
白天,走那儿 。看到一张边长八米长的正方形的招牌摔下来 。
你知道吗??? 压死了四个人,伤了五个人 。其一家三口因为儿子刚收大学邓小录取通知书 。
要去买些东西 。准备明天就走 。
不幸,其中二个是哈弗的博士学位的经理,三个清华、北大的研究生、三个大学生、一个刚要上大学的人 。你看在这世界上还有我容身之处吗? 我 可以做些什么呢??目标就像是指南针一样,我在森林中遗失了它 。
我的人生也便迷路以那森林 。
2.我的目标英文作文Every student has his goal of study.Some have a great one but some small.To some degree,a goal determines your success in the future.People who have a great goal can probably acquire a big success in his future,while the people who have a small goal may gain a small one.Meanwhile,the time we set our goals is another important factor.The earlier we have our goals,the more easily we can reach them.Therefore,it's of great importance to set a great goal when we are very young.Hower,having a goal doesn't mean we can succeed in no time.We still have a long way to go.The next step we should take is to put our goals into action.Maybe we meet with many difficulties,we mustn't stop or give up.We should keep on going,struggling against all kinds of trouble or problems until our goals are hit!!
Fellow students,let'go and hit our goals!!!
3.我的目标英语作文mygoalistobeagoodenglishteacher.wheniwasveryyoung,myuncletaughtsomesimpleoralenglish.suchashowareyou?ilikeitverymuchandsoon.whenibegantostudyatschool,hetaughtmemoreandistuiedveryhard.fromthenonihadthedreamtobeanexcellentenglishteacher.nowiamstudyinginhighschool.iamonthewaytobecomeanenglishteacher.iknowiwillstudyhardertomakeitcometrue.althoughtherearesomedifficultied,iwillnevergiveupmywish. 我的目标是成为一名优秀的英语教师 。